by Texas Homesteader ~
June is a great month for gardening. But this month has been even better being unusually temperate with plenty of rain. That’s helped it be super productive! C’mon through my garden gate and see what’s growing on…
(Note: Some links in this post will take you to other related articles for further information. But links preceded with * are affiliate links. If you click and buy something I could receive a tiny commission.)
You can see all my garden posts by clicking the button below:
My garden has grown better this year than ever! We had a pretty wet month and rainwater just irrigates the garden better than water from a hose.
I’m harvesting lots from the garden every day!
I’ve included information below if you’re looking to buy some of the same garden seeds I’m growing, as well as additional posts about each crop too. So click the links if you’re looking for more information!
What am I growing these days? Check it out.
Amish Paste Tomato Plants
(You can *Buy Heirloom Amish Paste Tomato Seeds Here)
I planted seed saved from a mysterious tomato that sprouted randomly at my parent’s home after soil was excavated from beneath their house. It was later identified as an Amish Paste tomato.
My plants are loaded and tomatoes are starting to turn red. I’m beginning to slowly harvest them.
Paste tomatoes are great sauce and salsa tomatoes since they tend to be more meaty & less watery.
Tomato Information:
How To Plant & Grow The Best Tomatoes
Fresh Garden Blender Salsa
Homemade Pico de Gallo
Roasted Tomatoes for More Flavor
Green Beans
(You can *Buy Contender Bush Green Bean Seeds Here)
Green beans have been the star of the show this year. I’ve picked gallons of green beans. Maybe it’s because I planted them in my new raised bed.
Note: I LOVE THIS RAISED BED! It’s the favorite in my Homestead garden. And the fine folks at Hopkins Homestead Store have agreed to give our readers a discount. Just enter TXH5off at checkout HERE!
We’re eating green beans fresh and I’m freezing and even canning them. Since green beans pressure-can at the same time & pressure as my homemade broth I was able to fill up that canner with two foods at one time!
Green Bean Pests
But as is typical this time of year my Contender bush beans are being hit by a garden pest.
The damage looks like spider mite but I see no webs and it doesn’t look like spider mites on the underside of the leaves. Does anyone have any hints?
It may just be time to cut the green beans at ground level and let this bed go fallow until fall planting. At least I have plenty of garden green beans preserved to use all year long!
Growing Pickler Cucumbers
(You can *Buy Pickler Cucumber Seeds Here)
I’m also picking cucumbers every day. I made a salt brine (using the dill growing in my garden) and have made a jar or two of refrigerator pickles.
I’ll also make and can some sliced dill pickles, whole dill pickles and smaller whole sweet pickles.
But sliced & chilled cucumbers and dip is a cooling delicious snack. I don’t dip them in ranch dressing, there’s too much fat & calories in ranch dressing for my liking.
I make homemade dressing using unflavored yogurt, lemon juice, garlic & onion powder & a bit of salt/pepper. Then I mince fresh dill to go in this cucumber dip.
Healthy, creamy, delicious, cheap and ZERO WASTE!
Cucumber Posts:
Luffa (or Loofah) Gourd
(You can *Buy Luffa Seeds Here)
There are several benefits in growing luffa. If you allow it to mature it makes a scrub sponge. But if you harvest it small it’s a zucchini substitute. (without squash bug pests!)
How To Grow Your Own Luffa Scrub Sponge
Why I Grow Luffa (and why YOU should too!)
- Young Luffa A Zucchini Substitute
Cantaloupe As Living Mulch
(You can *Buy Cantaloupe Seeds Here)
The cantaloupe vines I planted as living mulch around my tomato plants are growing like crazy! And the bees have pollinated their flowers so there are tons of tiny cantaloupe starting to grow.
Cantaloupe Posts:
Okra & Pest Damage
(You can *Buy Clemson Spineless Okra Seeds Here)
The 4 okra seeds I planted grew into plants and are starting to produce small okra. I’m harvesting 1 or 2 each day.
The grasshoppers have descended upon the garden and are causing damage to the leaves. But so far it’s only cosmetic. I’m hoping my free-range chickens can help keep the grasshoppers in check.
I’m dropping harvested okra in a jar with salt brine until I get enough for a full jar.
Then I’ll make fresh brine and can the okra for the pantry. We love pickled okra and we also love okra fritters.
Okra Posts:
Garden Pepper Varieties I’m Growing
Now that the temperature is heating up I have a pepper bush full of pepperoncini peppers. And they’re now getting large enough to harvest too.
It will be another week or so before I can start harvesting my bell peppers. I love all the pepper varieties I planted this year!
Pepper Posts:
Squash In My Texas Garden
As most southern gardeners know squash is prolific. I’m harvesting several yellow squash every day and one or two zucchini a week.
So there’s enough for RancherMan & me plus plenty to share with family & friends.
Squash Posts:
Egyptian Walking Onions
(You can *Buy Egyptian Walking Onions Here)
My Egyptian Walking onions have formed their bulbs and the stems have weighed down to start the next generation of onions. This is a true Lazy Gardener’s plant!
Fresh Herbs Growing In My Homestead Garden
All the herbs are vigorously growing and I’m harvesting from them often. What’s better than herbs so fresh you picked them less than 5 minutes before using in your recipe??
Herb Posts:
Sweet Refreshing Mint Drink
Caffeine-Free Herbal Mint Tea
Energy-Free Herb-Drying Setup
- Stevia – Growing My Own Sugar-Free Sweetener
Thornless Blackberries
(you can *Buy Thornless Blackberries Here)
I’m still harvesting 1-2 blackberries each day but the bush is about to be completely harvested for the year. This is my first year growing it.
The bush has grown impressively so next year I’ll get an even larger harvest!
Tough Gardening Weather Ahead
I’ve harvested and preserved an impressive amount of food from my garden so far this season. July promises to be hot and dry so I’m expecting it to struggle more then.
If possible I’d like to squeak it through to enjoy a short fall resurgence.
How’s your garden doing these days?
My Favorite Garden Hacks
Garden Planning
Seed Planting
- Planting Seeds In A Milk-Jug Greenhouse
- Planting An Indoor Greenhouse
- Repurposed Cardboard Seed-Starting Pots
Soil Health
- Easy Compost For A Healthy Garden
- How Leaves Benefit Your Garden
- Using Manure In Your Compost & Garden
Garden Styles
- 3-Sister’s Garden – The Original Companion Planting
- Planting A Large Galvanized Trough
- Where I Found The BEST Raised Bed!
- Planting A Blueberry Bush In Rustic Galvanized Tub
Garden Plants/Harvest
- Stevia – Growing Your Own Sweetener!
- My Simple, Zero-Waste Herb Drying Setup
- The Lazy Gardener’s Plant List – Plant Once, Eat For Years!
- How To Tell When Watermelon Is Ripe
- Luffa A Surprising Zucchini Substitute!
- How To Plant & Grow The Best Tomatoes
- Keeping Potted Plants Watered
- Repurposing A Coffee Can For Deep-Soak Watering
- 3 Rainwater Collection Systems We Use
- Cheap (or FREE) Wood Mulch For The Garden
- Using Vining Plants For Living Mulch
Weed Control
Garden Tips
- Tricking Birds AWAY From Your Strawberry Plants
- Propping Tender Seedlings
- Homestead Hack: Remember Where You Planted Seeds
- How I Use EcoBricks In The Garden
MORE Gardening Posts
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I also live in NE Texas so have the same struggles you’ve faced this year, but with different results.
We planted last week of April. Everything but our beans, corn, melons, and squash are planted in raised beds. Our bean of choice is the Romano and we got so many beans from 3 40′ rows we won’t plant them again for probably 3 years. (1 row 2′ wide planted 3 across offset) This is our usual cycle with a good crop and this years was again great!
Our corn has done very well and we harvested our first planting last weekend and our second planting will be this weekend. We plant hybrid (Gotta have it from Gurneys) in the spring and heirloom in the fall. Very full cobs this year after last years spring wash-out.
Tomatoes and peppers both started out great then we had a bad aphid infestation. We saved most of the affected plants but it stunted their growth and we’re still fighting. We garden pesticide free so it’s an ongoing battle.
Carrot harvest is over. We planted 3 different types in the fall and got some huge carrots in late Spring! First time to plant fall carrots for us so still learning. Our bunnies and pig enjoyed the excess tops and trimmings.
Our fall planted garlic was very successful with our saved bulbs producing huge bulbs this year. Some bulbs were bigger than apples! Our store bought garlic bulbs were also productive but much smaller.
Our February planted onions were mixed. We planted 3 different types and got some good onions and some that never grew a sizable bulb. The Texas 1015 produced the best this year for us.
Every year gardening is an adventure. I tend to lose a little interest around this time of year regarding upkeep due to the local climate, but we are blessed with a fall planting here in Texas. Last year was our first year planting a fall crop but we did get a good fall corn crop, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, and broccoli. Going to try fall tomatoes this year too (will need to start from seed probably, we couldn’t find any transplants in the fall last year).
Good luck gardeners! Every year is a new adventure.
What great gardening information you’ve shared for this fellow Texan, Mike. Thanks! I’ve only planted a fall garden once but you’re right, it grows GREAT! My problem with planting in the fall is that I have debilitating allergies to Ragweed – allergy meds just laugh at my severely swollen eyes and nasal passages! I’m able to plant the fall garden in August and get it watered enough to get it started, but around the first of September ragweed rears its ugly head for 6-8 weeks. I can’t be outside to water, so if Mother Nature offers us a helpful hand I’m able to pull it off. But if not…. I may try again this year since we’ve changed our garden layout – because Fall gardening is the BOMB! Cooler weather, less bug pressure, and more enjoyable overall. Thanks for dropping by! ~TxH~
Your garden looks great! We had weeks on end of torrential rain and then BAM nothing for the last 2 weeks in south Texas. Already having highs in the 100’s! I hope your garden continues to prosper for you!!
Thank you for sharing at Merry Monday!
Ugh, I know what you mean Amanda. We knew the taps would dry up here too when summer approached and it’s certainly done that. Grrrrrr…. I typically keep the garden watered with the rainwater stored in an underground 18-ft deep cistern but our irrigation hose split and spewed the entire contents of the cistern out while we were away. Praying for rain SOON to at least partially refill it! ~TxH~
Your garden looks wonderful. I hope the weather cooperates so your garden is as productive as you intended. I planted sun flowers this year too. I want them to attract bees to the garden plus I’m going to dry the seeds, store them in quart jars using our Seal-A-Meal jar adapter and save them for our chickens next year. Doesn’t hurt to have them stored now, ready to use when we get our chickens. LOL
I’ve also added lots of different flowers around the inside border of the garden to attract bees, butterflies and ladybugs. So far so good……….a sweet bee came right up to my face yesterday while I was weeding. I got so excited! I even talked to it out loud and said that I was so happy to see her and welcome to the garden. My heart was singing with joy!
This is our first year gardening here at our new property. Terrible hard clay – lots of failures with our seedlings, but they flopped in time to buy *ugh* transplants. I added compost mixed with mint straw and it seems to be working. Peppers, tomatoes, kohlrabi, peppers, onions (red & yellow), potatoes, zucchini, summer squash, sweet potatoes, bush beans, peas, honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon. Our garden is 109-feet x 54-feet, raised mounds (30-inches) and walkways about 18-inches. Seventeen 44-feet rows. You’ll find me in the garden around 7:00am every morning until almost dark – WEEDING, WEEDING and more WEEDING. But it’s flourishing so I’m happy. We also have a huge area that is covered in the most delicious, seedless, purple grapes (came with the property). We’ve brought them back to production and we can easily be over-run with beautiful grapes – yummy snacks while weeding too.
Here’s hoping we ALL have productive gardens this year and that all the new bees live happily in the hives and produce beautiful honey.
Happy Day To You ~ Bobbie
OMGoodness Bobbie, that’s a huge garden! It sounds like although it’s a new location for you, you’re amending your beds beautifully and well on your way to a very productive garden. It’s a lot of work but oh my how incredibly rewarding, huh? What’s your preferred method of food preservation? Canning? Dehydrating? Freezing? I find I really like dehydration for longer term, freezing for shorter term (and ease) and canning only as a last resort. I hate to put that heat & humidity in our kitchen during those hot/humid Texas summers! I still like to can but try to focus on that in the earlier or later parts of the season when it’s more comfortable. Good luck with your incredible garden!! ~TxH~
I love concord grapes! We only get them once per summer in our CSA box, wish we got more! Thanks for sharing your garden update on Simply Natural Saturday!
I’m really excited about our Concord crop this year Beth! ~TxH~
Your garden looks great! The concord grapes look so healthy! I hope your tomatoes do well! We’ve had to put a barrier around ours (in NC) to keep the deer out – they’ve been eating the tops of the tomato plants! Thanks for sharing the photos of your ranch! Blessings, Janet
RancherMan would LOVE to have more deer here Janet, but I’m pretty pleased that I don’t have to compete with them for my garden. Rabbits are plentiful around here but it’s so much easier to keep rabbits out than deer! ~TxH~
While your squash is blooming you can have an added treat: fried squash blossoms. I check them for critters, rinse them and pat them dry, then I make a light pancake batter, dip, pan-fry and serve with maple syrup. YUM!
I just love your blog and your pretty cattle.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful life. 🙂
I’ve heard of fried squash blooms, although I’ll admit I’ve never eaten them before. Hummm… Thank you for your sweet comment, Robin! ~TxH~
Your garden is looking great! I took pictures of ours this morning and will be sharing soon.
I’m so pleased at the progress so far in the garden, Lori. Some years it’s a struggle from day one – last year was a complete bust. This year’s garden looks to be attempting to make up for it. 🙂 ~TxH~
I love your garden! I wish I could do the same. We are having such drought conditions here in CA, that I just haven’t done much with a garden. Hopefully the water levels will rise again in the next couple of years and mine will look as good as yours! Enjoy all your yummy fruits and vegs!
Oh no, Pamela! We’ve had several consecutive years of drought here too, although the last couple of years it seems to rain buckets in the spring – enough to kill off the garden despite repeated plantings, then the rain taps turn off completely about the first of June for weeks on end, baking the poor plants. I’d resorted to container gardening last year so I could at least satisfy the harvest urge by planting a few small things in large containers. It saw me through, although the frustration over the drought was tremendous. Here’s hoping there’s some of the wet stuff in store for y’all soon. ~TxH~
Your garden looks great. You’re way ahead of ours! But ours is coming along slowly but surely. I picked my first four pickling cucumbers this weekend! (and two that are way overgrown)
How exciting Cheryl! I picked a couple of eensy tiny cucumbers too – hoping to make the little gherkins sweet pickles with them. ~TxH~
Your garden looks great. considering the weather we have had. Looks like you should have a good pumper of veggies, etc. The grapes look fantastic. I would end up eating more right off the vine than what I would bring in to use for canning grape jelly
With all the rain, I did remove some of the straw mulch away from the base of my tomato and pepper plants, plus I trimmed off the bottom stems of my tomatoes just high enough so none of the stems are touching the ground.
Had shower of rain this morning early; 3 inches in fact.
Yeah, I’ve been trying to keep the mulch pulled away from plants too Colleen. You know how Texas weather is – too much rain at first and then none at all, so that mulch has gone back & forth – LOL! We got a little shower here too, but nowhere near 3″! ~TxH~
Lookin good to me. We aren’t able to pick anything yet but have bush beans about an inch long. So it won’t be too long. We are going to grow sunflowers next year, we feed a lot of birds. Hoping this will help.
How are the bees doing?
OMGosh the bees are doing GREAT Tonia! We inspect the hives each Monday so we’ll be going in to check it out this afternoon. We’ll be fogging for varroa mites – we haven’t seen them yet but we know they must be there! ~TxH~
Our spring garden is about done and we have just about finished planting for the summer heat. I planted yellow squash and zuchinni seed directly into the garden and none came up. We had such a wet spring that I think they just didn’t make it. I started butternut squash, pumpkin, tomato, peppers, and egg plant in the house and they are doing well. Plus potatoes and carrots that were started as seed in the garden. We have also planted artichoke this year. I am not sure how this will do here in zone 7. They usually take 2 years to produce. I have some ginger plants this year too and this is something new for us also. One plant I ordered from a catalog and I found a sprouting root at the grocery store and planted it. I have been told they will take 2 years to produce too. These 2 plants are completely new to me so I will just read and see what works or not here.
Hoping a good growing season for all that plant.
I’ve been interested in ginger as well Cynthia. I’d be excited to know how it does for you. I love artichoke but I’ve never planted it. Sounds like you have some old faves as well as some exciting less often planted crops too. Have fun! ~TxH~
A 4th reason to plant sunflowers is most honey bees like them, I know mine do. So I always plant a variety of sunflowers in and around my garden.
Since we are raising bees this year, this might be a delightful treat for them, huh Shannon? ~TxH~
It looks great Tammy. I’m glad it’s a good year for you in the garden…
It’s doubly exciting for me John, I’m trying something new to attempt to FINALLY win the war against encroaching bermuda grass. So far it seems to be working! ~TxH~