Category Archives: Inspiring Posts

Inspirational posts for everyone.

Tree Planting Guide (Plus A Meaningful Remembrance Idea)

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’m sharing ways to choose the best tree for your area, the proper ways to plant and how to care for the newly-planted tree afterward too.

This guide also includes how to personalize a remembrance or memorial tree planting.

Remembrance memorial tree planting - Pistache tree green leaves blue sky. #TexasHomesteader

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Building A Life You LOVE With Your Own Two Hands

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Wouldn’t it be great to build a truly unique life with your own two hands?

I used to just swim with the flow of life, going where the tide carried me. But then I decided there must be much more to life.

I didn’t want to just take it as it came, I wanted to make life uniquely MINE. And you can too!

Building Life With Our Own Two Hands. Through the all the good & bad we toil for this a life we love, but we really do love this life! #TexasHomesteader

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Embracing Contentment: Learning How Much Is ‘Enough’ In Life

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

It seems in our culture there’s a constant struggle for more. A larger house, a newer cell phone, a flashier car.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with pursuing the things you truly desire. But I think many times the drive for newer/bigger/better has nothing to do with things that we ourselves want. 

Pursuit of happiness - being satisfied with your life and what you have. #TexasHomesteader

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A Comforting Spiritual Tradition When Going Through Hardship

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

In my family we have a tradition. It’s one that brings comfort again & again. We each have a small cross that we keep with us each day.

The ladies in my family keep it in the lipstick pocket of their jeans. When things get tough in life, we can reach into that pocket, feel that cross and know this comfort:

We do not walk the path alone. God is with us.

I carry a pocket cross with me when going through life's trials. It's brought much comfort. The message on my pocket cross says BELIEVE! #TexasHomesteader

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An Emotionally Volatile Day For Me Today

by Texas Homesteader ~

Today as I do each year, I tiptoe into a powerfully emotional & volatile day. It’s the anniversary of the day I kicked breast cancer to the curb. First & foremost, I Praise God for my healing!

I’m grateful for my health but… this particular day each year just always sends me into pretty hard emotional turmoil.

Fear, dread, maybe survivor’s guilt? I don’t know, but it grips me each year. Hard.

As I celebrate the anniversary of the day I kicked breast cancer to the curb, I'm racked emotionally with some powerful feelings. #TexasHomesteader

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