Tag Archives: cattle

Posts about Texas ranching and raising cattle on Texas Homesteader’s website. #TexasHomesteader

A Day In The Life Of A Texas Homesteader – Cattle, Chickens, Meal Planning & More

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Many have asked what a typical day on our Northeast Texas Homestead looks like. Of course every day is different, but come along with me and see what a day in the life of this Texas Homesteader looks like today.

Want to see what a day on a Texas Homestead is like? Come see! #TexasHomesteader

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Join Us For A Day On The Homestead

by Texas Homesteader ~

D’ya ever wonder what it was like to be on a Texas Homestead?  I thought it would be fun to share… Here each day offers something new.  Some days we’re focused on land maintenance like mowing pastures or repairing fences.  Other days we might focus on bees, the garden or the cattle.  But this week we had one day in particular that ended up being a very challenging day for us. 

The temps that had once cooled nicely had made a wicked resurgence.  On this day between the heat & humidity it was supposed to feel like sweltering triple digits.  So RancherMan & I decided to work the cattle early in the morning while it’s cooler. That’s when everything went south…

Did you ever wonder what a day on the homestead was like? Join me to see what tasks are on tap at our N.E. Texas Homestead #TexasHomesteader

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Come With Me For A Day On the Homestead

by Texas Homesteader~ 

I’ve been asked before what it’s like to live and work on a NE Texas Homestead. It’s wonderful, it speaks to my heart, and it’s hard work. 

When I had a job in the city my working environment was climate controlled – cool in the summer and comfy warm in the winter. There was no mud or weeds in my city job. No ticks or snakes. And I didn’t have to report to work until 8:00 a.m., and any time after 5:00 p.m. was my own to do as I wished. Oh, and weekends. And HOLIDAYS!

All of that has changed… for the better! Yes now I may be up before dawn to move some cows or out after dark mowing pastures by tractor headlight but DANG I love my life here! Why don’t you come along and see what a typical day on the Homestead is like?

Did you ever wonder what it's like to live & work on a NE Texas ranch? Come with me to see what a typical day looks like - we love it! #TexasHomesteader

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Milking My First Cow: Using FRESH Milk!

by Texas Homesteader

Recently we had a cow give birth to a calf. Although she gave us a fine, healthy heifer calf, she was having a difficult time with her calf emptying one of her teats.

Each day that one teat grew bigger and we’d hoped that the calf would eventually latch onto it like she was the others. (we’ve had that circumstance in the past and it’s always worked out fine)

But the teat began to get so full it was large & tight and too difficult for the calf to attempt to nurse it. So she just didn’t. 

I was worried about the cow developing mastitis so I knew I needed to take action. I’ve never milked a cow before. Ever. Until now. Ain’t nothin’ to it, y’all!  I feel like an official country woman now!

Using FRESH MILK - I'd always wanted to try milking one of our cows to get fresh milk for our family, see what I did with the FRESH MILK! #TexasHomesteader

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Come With Me For A Day At The Homestead

by Texas Homesteader~

Summer is officially here and WHEW it’s really heating up lately. We’ve already endured one the the wettest springs in history around here so many of the routine tasks we typically stay on top of have been pushed back for drier weather.

Although there are still plenty of muddy areas around the Homestead, we’ve got lots to do today. So we’ll do whatever we need to do to get the job done. Did you ever wonder what a typical day at our NE Texas Homestead really looks like? C’mon with me for A Day At The Homestead…

Did you ever wonder what a typical day at our NE Texas homestead looks like? C'mon with me for A Day... #TexasHomesteader

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