Tag Archives: weather

The Ultimate Generator Buyer Guide: Why We Chose A Portable Dual Fuel Generator

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

A power generator can help power your home in the event of an emergency electric outage. But we don’t rely on just one fuel option for emergencies. A dual fuel portable generator offers many benefits when the power goes out. We’ve researched it all for you – check it out.

Portable generator - dual fuel Westinghouse remote start emergency electric power. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Keep Plants & Trees Watered During Drought Conditions

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

When the weather turns hot & dry it can be hard on your plants and trees. Especially trying to keep them properly watered. Here in NE Texas we’ve actually slipped once again into a severe drought. So I’m employing many efforts to keep my plants and trees healthy.

After I planted my small tree our area once again slipped into a drought. See what we did to easily keep my tree watered during the drought. #TexasHomesteader
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How To Stay Warm When The Power Goes Out

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

How do you stay warm when the power goes out? What about keeping water pipes from freezing? Protecting septic lines?

Are generators, propane grills or gas stovetops good to use for heat in the home? Here are a few tips for keeping warm in winter’s freezing temps when the power goes out. 

How do you stay warm when the power goes out? Come see tips for keeping warm even with no power. #TexasHomesteader

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Veggie Garden Update: May

by Texas Homesteader

May is typically a great month for veggie gardening in NE Texas.  In May the temps usually haven’t heated up too drastically. And in a normal year there’s still spring rains swinging through each week so you don’t typically have to struggle quite as much with your garden maintenance workload.

C’mon and walk with me through the garden & let’s see what’s “growing” on these days.

May is a great month for the garden. C'mon and walk with me through the veggie garden & let's see what's growing on these days. #TexasHomesteader

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