Homestead Hack: Free Vegetable Broth!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I like to use broth for my cooking. Let’s face it – no matter what you’re cooking it’s just more flavorful when it’s made with broth instead of water. 

Want to know how I get vegetable broth for FREE? Check out this ridiculously-easy Homestead Hack…

I save nutritious vegetable broth that was previously wasted and use it for something I used to have to make myself or purchase. #TexasHomesteader

Broth Replaces Water In Cooking For Delicious Results!

I often replace plain water in recipes with broth. Especially when cooking rice, pasta our soup:

Instant Pot Rice

Spaghetti With Meat Sauce In An Instant Pot

Favorite Soup Recipes

When making rice, I always use broth instead of water for more flavor and nutrition. #TexasHomesteader

Using broth is more nutritious too! I make my own Chicken Broth from the bones of our chicken meals

And I’ve also made Turkey Broth with the leftover turkey carcass after Thanksgiving. 

Making broth in my Instant Pot is easy. The result is lots of healthy broth for cheap! #TexasHomesteader

Of course I’ve simmered veggie scraps into my own vegetable broth too. But there’s an even easier way to get vegetable broth for FREE! 

C’mon y’all, use my battle cry with me: 


Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Canned Vegetable Juice Just Wasted?

Whether I’m using home-canned veggies or even purchased cans of vegetables, there’s always lots of juice in the cans and jars. 

Now in my previous don’t-think-ahead days I would have just poured that juice out before preparing the veggies for supper. As a matter of fact I’m embarrassed to admit I did that for years. 

Oh so many years…  What a waste!

Then I had a thumps-forehead moment. This juice is already veggie flavored and packed with nutrients. 

Why don’t I save it for future use??!

I save nutritious vegetable broth that was previously wasted and use it for something I used to have to make myself or purchase. #TexasHomesteader

Straining The Juice From Cans Of Vegetables 

I can save that vegetable broth and use it instead of buying or making vegetable broth.

That way I’m saving money and food waste at the same time! I find there’s about a half cup of vegetable broth in each can of vegetables. 

It's easy to use these tips to save money. #TexasHomesteader

So these days when I’m opening a jar or can of vegetables to serve with our supper I strain that juice into a jar instead of just pouring it down the drain. 

That jar is quickly labeled as veggie broth & placed in the freezer for future use. 

Freezing In Plastic Jars vs. Glass Jars

Now although I hate plastic more than the average bear does, I don’t freeze in glass.

Oh yes, many of you have successfully frozen things in glass but it’s not an option for us.

I know all the secrets about proper headspace and straight-necked jars. But it’s just not worth the risk to me.

Our freezer is a chest freezer. One wrong ‘clink’ could cascade tiny glass shards throughout our freezer. 

So until a better solution comes around, I simply save plastic peanut butter jars for freezer broth of all kinds.

When freezing beans or broth I repurpose empty plastic peanut butter jars. #TexasHomesteader

We always have those peanut butter jars available anyway. Plus it’s a great way to repurpose them before sending them to the recycle bin.

Save Veggie Juice & Save Money

So there you have it – I’ve been able to take save nutritious veggie juice that was previously wasted and use it for something I used to have to make myself or purchase. 

I use that vegetable broth when I’m making homemade Endless Soup. It also makes a more flavorful end result than using water when cooking rice, potatoes or pasta.

It’s delicious, it’s nutritious and it’s basically FREE

I don’t know about you, but my budget really loves free stuff.  đŸ™‚


Other Kitchen Hacks

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11 thoughts on “Homestead Hack: Free Vegetable Broth!

  1. Grandmas House DIY

    I totally just had a moment of “omygosh-why-haven’t-everyone-been-doing-this-all-along!!” when I saw this post – what a fantastic idea! Thank you for sharing with us at the To Grandma’s House we go link party, hope to see you when the new one starts tomorrow, you’ll be featured at it! đŸ™‚

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      LOL – me too. I initially wondered if it was too pedestrian a tip to share and perhaps everyone was already doing this. But I figured I thumped my own forehead over not thinking of it earlier, perhaps there are others who just haven’t thought of it yet either. I’m so glad I decided to go ahead & share the tip. ~TxH~

  2. Helene

    Never thought of that!!! đŸ™‚

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Ya know Helene, I’d never thought about it either! (Yet I used to buy veggie broth!) I always have a jar of veggie broth in the freezer now and I add to it whenever I’m draining veggies. I haven’t bought (or even made) veggie broth in quite a while! ~TxH~

  3. Katy SkipTheBag

    Talk about a head thump moment! This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing on the Waste Less Wednesday Hop!

  4. ColleenB.~Texas

    I also save the liquid from the canned fruit as well.
    After removing all the veggie juice from the cans, what do you make with your drained, canned veggies?

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      The canned veggies are often served using only minimal seasoning such as salt & pepper. Sometimes I’ll add butter to corn or bacon grease to green beans. But other than that it’s usually salt & pepper – we love the natural taste of the veggies. ~TxH~

  5. Miss B

    Wow! Why did this idea never cross my mind before? It could not be more obvious unless the instructions were actually printed on the can. Thanks for the great tip!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      LOL Miss B – I KNOW, RIGHT??!! I’m not sure why it took so long for me to figure out either but I figured that others may not have thought of it either so I wanted to share. There’s always veggie stock ready to be used around here now. ~TxH~


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