Crispy Sweet Cinnamon/Sugar Apple Chips

by Texas Homesteader
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RancherMan loves crispy dehydrated apple slices topped with cinnamon sugar. I dry them in the dehydrator and then a quick stint in the oven to make them crisp. Check it out!

DEHYDRATED CINNAMON/SUGAR APPLE CHIPS - A Crispy Delicious And Healthy Snack For Your Family. Preserve The Harvest! #TexasHomesteader

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Different Ways To Preserve Fresh Apples

Today I’m continuing on with my series on Preserving Fresh Apples.  My aunt shared many bushels of apples from her tree this year and I’m making sure to get them all preserved. I certainly don’t want that apple deliciousness to go to waste!

I’ve been busy making and canning apple pie filling, apple butter, applesauce, etc.

Homemade applesauce is a delicious way to preserve fresh apples. #TexasHomesteader

Dehydrated Cinnamon/Sugar Apple Chips

But one of RancherMan’s favorite ways to enjoy these apples is for me to sprinkle apple slices with with cinnamon & sugar and dehydrate them into sweet apple chips.

When he discovered these cinnamon/sugar apple chips when we visited my aunt.

She told me she simply used this handy *apple corer/slicer/peeler, sprinkled the apple slices with cinnamon and sugar and put them on a tray in her oven set to 200 degrees for about 9 hours to dry and crisp them.

Apple Peeler Corer tool set upon cutting board with green and white kitchen towel in the background. #TexasHomesteader

It seems she told me she cracked the oven door open during their drying.

But I just couldn’t stand the thought of having my oven turned on for that length of time pumping heat into the house during the hot & humid dog days of our NE Texas summer.

Deciding To Use Dehydrator For Apple Chips

So I thought I’d try to dehydrate them in my *Excalibur dehydrator instead. I can set that bad boy outside and have the drying heat stay outside where it belongs!

So RancherMan & I hit the kitchen slicing/peeling and coring apples using this amazing peeler that has a suction cup to secure it to our counter.

I’m not gonna lie – I’m in love with this thing! We can peel/slice and core an apple in seconds!

DEHYDRATED CINNAMON/SUGAR APPLE CHIPS - A Crispy Delicious And Healthy Snack For Your Family. Preserve The Harvest! #TexasHomesteader

When my aunt made hers she left the apple rings whole. But I liked the thought of half rings better so I cut all my slices in half.

Cinnamon/Sugar Technique For Apple Slices

I placed my dehydrator trays on a metal rack with newspaper beneath it. That way when I sprinkled the slices with cinnamon and sugar I could capture and reuse all the sugar/cinnamon mixture that would have otherwise fallen through the trays and been wasted. 

I just brought up the edges of the newspaper so the cinnamon and sugar would slide to the middle of the paper. Then I poured it all back into my shaker bottle. EASY!

Drying The Sweetened Apple Slices

Once my apple slices were sprinkled with the cinnamon sugar mixture I placed the dehydrator on a small table on our back porch and loaded the trays into it.

The temperature dial was set to the highest setting available – 155 degrees. I rotated the trays after a couple of hours to help the apple slices to dry evenly.

DEHYDRATED CINNAMON/SUGAR APPLE CHIPS - A Crispy Delicious And Healthy Snack For Your Family. Preserve The Harvest! #TexasHomesteader

The trays of apples dehydrated in about 14 hours. But although the apple chips were completely dry they weren’t crunchy like my aunt’s were. 

I guess my dehydrator just didn’t get hot enough to actually crisp them.  Hummm, what to do….

I moved the dehydrated slices to a couple of large baking trays and placed them in my oven. I turned on the oven for only about 2 minutes to get the oven good & hot. 

Then I turned the oven off again. I left the trays in the oven just soaking up that drying heat until the oven cooled completely. When they were cool I tested them for crispiness- success!

Dehydrated Apple Chips Are A Hit!

RancherMan says these little apple chips are fully addictive. He loves to grab a handful to snack on during the day. I must agree with him, they ARE addictive, deliciously crunchy and sweet!

DEHYDRATED CINNAMON/SUGAR APPLE CHIPS - A Crispy Delicious And Healthy Snack For Your Family. Preserve The Harvest! #TexasHomesteader

And now that they’re dehydrated they take up very little space and no additional energy to store. I just placed them all into airtight containers on my pantry shelf. 

But I won’t be able to tell you how long these crispy cinnamon/sugar apple chips will store because my handsome RancherMan is eating them up quick!

But I guess that’s what you hope for when you preserve the harvest… that the fruits of your labor will be eaten and enjoyed. Now that makes my heart happy!


This post categorized in  

Tagged in All our favorite posts about apples. #TexasHomesteader  Save money by dehydrating food. #TexasHomesteader  All our posts about food preservation - dehydrating, canning, freezing, etc. #TexasHomesteader  Our best snacks recipes. #TexasHomesteader  A list of our posts about cooking with the garden's harvest. #TexasHomesteader 

5 Delicious Ways To Preserve Fresh Apples:

Other Delicious Apple Recipes

Snacks We Love

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13 thoughts on “Crispy Sweet Cinnamon/Sugar Apple Chips

  1. Rich Ashbaugh

    Did it like you came out great

  2. Angela DeGroot

    Last year attempted to make these and I ended up heating them up to much in the over and burnt most of it Ugh!! This year we have success. I did not need 14 hrs mine finished up at 12 hrs. Next day put this in the oven as you suggested pre-heating (i used 350) turned it off placed them in and let it cool. Happy Dance…..My thought was to bundle up some for the grandkids – not going to last that long I can already tell.

  3. Danielle @DIYDanielle

    Ooo definitely saving this for later. I want to go apple picking soon and it’ll be perfect to make treats for the kids in the dehydrator! Thanks for linking up at #SustainableSundays!

  4. Katy SkipTheBag

    Yum! What a great idea to use your dehydrator for most of the heavy lifting then finishing in the oven. Thanks for sharing on the #WasteLessWednesday Blog Hop. Can’t wait to see what you share this Wednesday.

  5. Michelle

    We are leaving shortly to go apple picking which means tomorrow I will be processing lots of apples…now I have one more way to enjoy them. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Michelle

    I have both fresh apples AND an Excalibur, so I may be trying this very soon! That’s a great tip about putting newspaper underneath!

  7. Beverly

    These sound great. I have the peeler but no dehydrator. Need to get one.
    Thanks for sharing at Wake Up Wednesday,

  8. JES

    These sound dee-licious!!! đŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing this recipe idea!

  9. LindaG

    We have one of those corer/peelers and I love it, too!
    Does the excaliber have metal racks or plastic racks? We got a cheaper local model to learn on; and while we do like it, I’d like to get an excaliber. Hubby wants metal racks and I don’t know if that is possible.
    Thanks for the great post. Very educational.

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      My Excalibur has plastic racks – I don’t know if I’ve ever seen metal racks but I’d be afraid they would get too hot. Maybe not? I love my Excalibur and I’m so glad I opted for the 9-tray (I was debating on that or the 5-tray model) I use it fully loaded all the time. ~TxH~

      1. LindaG

        That makes sense. The metal racks might affect drying. I think ours has 6 trays? Can’t remember at the moment; but I’ve told hubby when we get another one, it needs to be bigger!
        Thank you!

  10. ColleenB.

    Oh, Yum. They would be good tipped / coated in chocolate. Add some other dried fruit, dried bananas, raisins, etc. and you have a nice trail mix


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