Fast Dessert: Strawberries & Homemade Whipped Cream

by Texas Homesteader ~

Who doesn’t love dessert? We don’t have dessert every night of course but my handsome RancherMan does have a sweet tooth. Sometimes we like light & fluffy desserts like strawberries & whipped cream.

Other times we enjoy a heavier dessert. It’s not unusual for me to have homemade brownies or even apple pie. Or depending upon how hectic the day was I might take a shortcut and make something easy like homemade chocolate pudding.

A delicious dessert need not take lots of time or effort. Heck one of our favorite desserts is strawberries & fresh whipped cream. Dessert in a flash!

A delicious dessert needn't take lots of time, one of our favorite desserts is strawberries & fresh whipped cream. Dessert in a flash! #TexasHomesteader

Here’s the abbreviated instructions:

  • Wash/Dry strawberries,
  • Slice/Sugar strawberries,
  • Thicken juice,
  • Make whipped cream (3 minutes),
  • Assemble & enjoy! 

See what I mean? Easy! Here’s how I do it…

Sugaring The Strawberries

I want the strawberries to release some of their juice and I also want them sweetened. So I first rinsed and drained the strawberries. 

Then I cut off the green-leaf top and sliced them thinly. I placed the slices into a bowl and each time I laid down a layer of strawberries I added a sprinkling of sugar. 

This sweetens them & also causes them to release some of their juice. I’ll be saving ^& using that juice for my strawberries & cream dessert.

When the strawberries had been sliced & sugared I placed another bowl on top of them to cover and left them on the counter to do their thaaaang for a couple of hours.

Thickening Strawberry Juice

A couple of hours later I came back to check them they had juiced quite well. So I poured the strawberry juice into a pan and heated it with just a sprinkling of cornstarch to thicken it a bit.

I guess I used about a 1/4th teaspoon of cornstarch, but this will depend upon how much juice you have to be thickened. 

This thickening step only took about 2 minutes. Then I stirred the thickened juice back into the strawberries.

Assembling A Strawberry Dessert

When it was time to enjoy our strawberry delight I quickly whipped up homemade whipped cream. I like this recipe because it’s made with honey instead of powdered sugar.

Plus I’m always pleasantly surprised at how quickly the whipped cream comes together – only about 2-3 minutes.

Be sure to put your bowl & beaters in the freezer for about an hour beforehand so everything’s good & cold. That really speeds things up.

A delicious dessert needn't take lots of time, one of our favorite desserts is strawberries & fresh whipped cream. Dessert in a flash! #TexasHomesteader

Now to serve I just assemble my strawberries-n-cream dessert. First I place my sliced & sugared strawberries with the thickened juice in a shallow bowl. 

Then I top them with a hearty dollop of whipped cream and a couple of sliced strawberries on top. You know, just for pretty…

So there ya go! A delicious and beautiful dessert doesn’t have to mean hours in the kitchen.  This light and easy dessert is a favorite at our Homestead. And delightfully cool and fresh on a warm Texas day.


Other Easy Desserts

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5 thoughts on “Fast Dessert: Strawberries & Homemade Whipped Cream

  1. Vickie Westcamp

    Ahhhhhh… strawberries! My husband and I just adore strawberries and cottage cheese. It seriously tastes like strawberry ice cream! I was blessed to have a great crop of strawberries this year, so I was able to make some strawberry leather. It will be a taste of summer in the winter!

  2. Mrs Shoes

    May I please have some shortcake too? Yum.

  3. ColleenB.

    A nice and quick dessert. Couldn’t ask for anything better than that. When I do strawberries, I do like to add just a bit; (about 1 cap full) of almond extract. Gives for a nice flavor.
    I bet that strawberry syrup would also be good on ice cream.
    Strawberries………….I must get some this weekend. That looks and sounds so good and I do love strawberries. The few strawberries that I did receive earlier in the year that I picked from my plants……………..well, lets just say they never made it into the house. They kinda disappeared before they got inside the door. :}

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Oooh Colleen, I hadn’t thought about extract. I’ve got vanilla extract but that would be delicious. Next time it’s gonna be added! It’s funny that your home-grown strawberries never made it inside the door, but ya know, I TOTALLY get that!! đŸ™‚ ~TxH~

      1. ColleenB.

        Almond extract is a ‘must have’ in my cupboard; having at least a couple bottles on hand at all times. I use it as much as I do vanilla, if not more so


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