How To Make A New Purchase At The Lowest Price & Best Quality?

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Buying pre-owned products is good for the environment AND your budget! But how do you know you’re getting a product that will last?

We have a system for finding the perfect high-quality products at the lowest price. (Hint: When researching a potential purchase we look at price LAST although it’s still most often cheaper!)

Buying products used & pre-owned can be good for the budget as well as the environment. #TexasHomesteader

(Note: Some links in this post will take you to other related articles for further information. But links preceded with * are affiliate links. If you click and buy something I could receive a tiny commission.)  

Enjoying Coffee From A Percolator

I’ve talked before about our love of our Low-Waste Morning Coffee. Our vintage percolator is perfect for a delicious yet very low-waste cup of joe! 

But although we loved the coffee it made, the percolator was a bit on the small side.

RancherMan & I were going through that small pot of morning coffee way too quickly. We really wanted a larger percolator.

How To Research Future Product Purchases

When we make a purchase we always do our research first.

First consideration is given to products with a high level of customer satisfaction, narrowed down by features we desire and only lastly, cost.

I think oftentimes if you put importance on price first in your search, you’ll end up with a cheaper product for sure. But it won’t necessarily be a quality product or something that will even be worth the low cost you paid.

I’ve got no room in our home for cheaply-made products destined to frustrate me as they underperform until they break prematurely requiring me to throw them away and buy again. That’s not cheaper at all!

I don’t want to buy a cheap product, I want to buy high quality products at the cheapest price.

See the difference?

You can still easily buy a high-quality *Coffee Percolator online. And there are many models to choose from too. RancherMan researched all of them, looking first at customer satisfaction ratings.

Then we pondered features. Do we want a 6 cup? An 8 cup? 12 cup? (oh yeah, 12 cup baby!)

When we’d decided which brand and size coffee pot we wanted, RancherMan then searched for the best retail establishments to actually buy.

For instance, the price of the coffee pot we want may be a little lower or maybe with cheaper shipping cost at one place than the others.

Or it may be located at a store where we currently hold a gift card, resulting in less coming from our monthly budget. There are many considerations to be made for the best possible purchase.

Buying Pre-Owned: Higher Quality At Lower Price!

We’d researched & made our decision for the best-quality percolator we wanted as well as the store from which we wanted to buy. RancherMan was just about to place the order.

When he was almost ready to ‘add to cart’, he decided to check one more place to make sure he was getting the best price.

RancherMan knows I have an eco bend. And he knows how important it is to me to buy used whenever possible.

So he did a quick search for the exact same model on ebay. SCORE! He found a 12-cup FarberWare percolator that was in pristine condition.

Isn’t she a beauty?

Buying products used is good for the environment AND your budget! When researching a potential purchase we don't look at price first #TexasHomesteader

Exactly what we wanted, in like-new but used condition for a mere fraction of the cost of buying new.

Now this makes my heart happy. I always prefer pre-owned when making a purchase. It’s good for our budget and the environment. And we ended up with a mighty fine high-quality percolator to boot. 

So in the end a little research before buying checked off all the important boxes for us. A large stainless steel 12-cup percolator coffee pot in excellent condition for 1/2 price.

Save money by buying used items pre-owned. #TexasHomesteader

PLUS it was purchased used. This means in addition to all the criteria above, it’s not a new product being manufactured, packaged & shipped to multiple warehouse/retail locations before finally being purchased.

It’s a pre-owned percolator (albeit in beautiful condition). So its useful life has now been extended because of our purchase.

Oh be still my crunchy-green heart!

Buying high-quality products preowned saves money and is good for the environment too. #TexasHomesteader

So before you make that purchase, consider buying pre-owned. Whether Buying at a Thrift Store or online, buying used can be good for your wallet AND the environment!


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4 thoughts on “How To Make A New Purchase At The Lowest Price & Best Quality?

  1. Laurel

    Heya Tammy,
    I am frustrated. I always like to buy gently used items. Right now I am in need of a food processor. I will search for it for a long time and get impatient. How long do you wait before you just throw up your hands and buy it? I usually find a thing like a coffee pot or crock pot fairly quickly, but not having the food processor is causing me grief. lol.

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Well Laurel, there are several avenues I use. First are thrift stores, but like you say – sometimes it’s hard to find what you want when you need it. Second option for us is typically ebay and it works well for us for buying used. But depending upon what you’re looking for, heavier things cost so much to ship that it’s not really feasible sometimes. Third is putting out word to your friends & family. Oftentimes they have that one thing you need just sitting in a cabinet – wanting to get rid of it. You’d be surprised at the success rate of this one, so give this option a try if the other options don’t work. Finally when all other avenues fail we’ll buy new after doing our research & finding the highest-quality product. Good luck! ~TxH~

  2. ColleenB.~ Tx.

    I had bought a used percolator about 6-8 months ago. I works but it just doesn’t make Hot coffee. It’s more like luke warm. If I’m going to have coffee, I like mine Hot. As of right now mine is stored away cause just don’t have the heart to throw it away. I may use it as a plant container or make into a bird house or something.
    It just won’t be found in the landfill.

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      We’ve had that problem in the past too Colleen. In our case it has typically been either the heating element or the thermostat. RancherMan looked up our Percolator’s make & model number & then looked for the part on ebay. It was very inexpensive and super easy to change out. He’s done minor repairs on various percolators many times over the years and always comments that it’s very quick & easy to do. So don’t give up on your percolator yet! ~TxH~


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