A Comforting Spiritual Tradition When Going Through Hardship

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

In my family we have a tradition. It’s one that brings comfort again & again. We each have a small cross that we keep with us each day.

The ladies in my family keep it in the lipstick pocket of their jeans. When things get tough in life, we can reach into that pocket, feel that cross and know this comfort:

We do not walk the path alone. God is with us.

I carry a pocket cross with me when going through life's trials. It's brought much comfort. The message on my pocket cross says BELIEVE! #TexasHomesteader

Frightening Medical Diagnosis

When I received a breast cancer diagnosis, it was the most frightening time of my life. RancherMan & I clung tightly to each other as we grappled with the reality. We knew that things were about to change!

One by one I shared that news with family members. I remember vividly talking to my baby sister about it one day.

As I broke the news to her, I told her to not worry, I’d be sure to carry a pocket cross with me. I knew that cross would bring me comfort during the doctor visits, tests, and subsequent surgeries.

Without skipping a beat, my sis reached into her pocket and said “here, please carry MINE!” She had her own pocket cross tucked into her pocket, but she willingly passed that comfort over to me.

I carried her pocket cross with me during all my appointments. It was a constant reminder that He was with me.

Even as I walked that frightening path, I found Witness in Surprising Places during that troubling time. I knew that God was reaching out to me through others.

I’ve never been so absolutely certain about that. I was comforted by Him. How humbling. And how wonderful!

Receiving My Own Pocket Cross

On the morning of my surgery, my mom promised me that when I came out of surgery, my very own pocket cross would be waiting for me in my hospital room. Hospital bed after surgery. I carry a pocket cross with me when going through life's trials. It's brought much comfort. The message on my pocket cross says BELIEVE! #TexasHomesteader

She’d bought me a tiny metal cross with the word “BELIEVE” on it.

That pocket cross has been in the lipstick pocket of my jeans since then. Day in, day out – it brings me comfort.

I knew that God had been with me every step of the way. And I promised Him that when I was healed, I would lay that cross on the altar at each and every holy communion – giving praise to God alone for my healing!

God Sends Comforts In Surprising Ways

I confided afterward to a family member that I had prayed hard for weeks that God would give me strength to get through this frightening ordeal.

But as time passed I became concerned. I was expecting the answer to my earnest prayer for strength to come as calm and poise, confidence and assurance.

But I was feeling none of those things!

As the surgery date closed in I found myself still very afraid and unsure of the future. Although He’d never failed me before, was God going to answer my prayer for strength?

As it turned out, the overwhelming answer is YES! I learned that God does things in HIS more powerful way, not the way I as a mere mortal would have expected or looked for.

The strength he offered me was in the many family members, close friends and even distant strangers that upheld me during my time of trial with their outpouring of love, support and assistance that we didn’t even have to ask for.

Family & friends gathered around us of course. What a comfort. But it was surprising the number of complete strangers that had a hand in God’s love and comfort for us.

There were so many times that RancherMan & I just stared at each other in disbelief over yet another example and said, “Wow, now that was God. We’re surely being taken care of!”

I was so touched by the magnitude of it all. And I came through it as a stronger person, both physically and spiritually.


If you are looking for a ‘BELIEVE’ pocket cross of your own,
I have a small supply of them on my Online Store.


More about my healing journey:

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2 thoughts on “A Comforting Spiritual Tradition When Going Through Hardship

  1. Carole

    I had been having what I thought was gas pains for a few days. I attributed it to IBS. I was in a very stressful time. I had recently broken my wrist, so my right arm (of course) was in a cast and sling. One morning I was making breakfast. I was alone in the house. Suddenly, I heard this voice that said, “God will take care of you my child.” Huh?

    2 days later, I was in the hospital. Stage IV colon cancer.

    I made no decisions. Someone came in and said I’m your oncologist, or I’m your surgeon… and I said, fine. I left it all in God’s hands and tried not to interfere. It was a year of surgeries and chemo. It is now over 5 years later.

    Everyone marveled at how calm I was thru the whole thing. When God says he’s going to take care of you, believe him.


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