Tag Archives: dehydrating

Our favorite articles about dehydrating and preserving food posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Texas Heat Superstar: Growing Malabar Spinach

by Texas Homesteader ~
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I love fresh spinach & I’m sure to plant it every year in my edible landscape garden. It’s beautiful, leafy-green and makes a lovely border. 

Oh, and you can EAT it! What’s not to love??!

But in our part of NE Texas the window of opportunity in enjoying fresh spinach is short. In no time our spinach bolts and becomes bitter. 

But I’ve recently been introduced to a completely different kind of spinach. One that grows vigorously in a vine. In the heat!

Malabar spinach!

Dark-green heart-shaped leaves that grow in a vine even in the Texas summer heat. Beauty, edibility and heat-loving staying power. #TexasHomesteader

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Tortilla-Sized Pizza Leather Made With Pasta Sauce

 by Texas Homesteader ~
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When our garden is producing extremely well I like to preserve as much as I can from it.  Oftentimes our tomatoes are producing like GANGBUSTERS and I’m making Tomato Sauce and Pasta Sauce from it Sometimes I dehydrate them into Tomato Powder or just Dried Diced Tomatoes to drop into my wintertime simmering soups.

But one of my favorite ways to preserve tomatoes is by dehydrating it into tomato leather.  That way I can roll it out directly on top of my pizza crust & just start piling on the toppings. The cooking process and the moisture in the toppings rehydrates the leather for me.

But I didn’t get many tomatoes this year so I find myself purchasing pasta sauce until I can make it myself again. (sigh…) But recently I had leftover pasta sauce and wondered what to do with it. Since we’ve recently discovered tortilla pizzas I decided to make some tortilla-sized tomato leather!

Recently I had leftover pasta sauce so I decided to make some tortilla-sized pizza leather. I'll use them on our tortilla pizzas! #TexasHomesteader

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Dehydrating Fresh Spinach To Enjoy All Year Long!

by Texas Homesteader ~

I love fresh spinach, and I love that during early spring it produces so prolifically.  We like to eat as much spinach as we can while it’s fresh and crisp but I also want to preserve that delicious, healthy spinach to enjoy later in the season – way after the plants have bolted and are gone.  I experimented with dehydrating fresh spinach this year and I loved the results.  I wrote this piece for one of my favorite publications, Mother Earth News. C’mon y’all – check it out!

Mother Earth News Post - Dehydrated Spinach. I dehydrated fresh spinach to enjoy later in the season - I loved the results! #TaylorMadeHomestead

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Homestead Hack: Don’t Waste Onion Trimmings! Making Your Own FREE Onion Powder

by Texas Homesteader ~

You’re preparing onions and push aside the tough neck and hard-to-cut bottom sections you’ve trimmed off. But give those tough trimmings another look before you toss them away.

There might still be a way to put these previously wasted onion parts to good use…

HOMESTEAD HACK: DON'T WASTE ONION TRIMMINGS! I'm Using the tougher trimmed parts from onions to replace an item I used to have to buy #TexasHomesteader

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Homestead Hack: Use Residual Heat To Dehydrate

by Texas Homesteader ~
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(Note: Some links in this post are for further information from earlier posts I’ve written. But links preceded with * are affiliate links. If you click them and buy something (almost anything, not just the item noted) I could receive a small purchase. But the price you pay will NOT change. It’s an easy way to support this blog without anything coming out of your pocket. So click often! Thank you!) 

OK by now y’all know I’m a dehydrating fool!  I bought my dream appliance, an *Excalibur 9-tray dehydrator and I think I’m in love! 

I’ve put that thing through the paces, dehydrating all kinds of fruits and veggies. And I’ve even made Italian-flavored tomato leather to just roll out and plop on my homemade French-Bread Pizza. No rehydration needed! I think it’s safe to say I’ve been bitten by the dehydrating bug.

I use many dehydrated veggies in my wintertime simmering Endless Soup. And I use most of my dehydrated fruits as replacement for raisins in my Homemade Pumpkin Granola

But I’ve also been dehydrating veggies to grind and use for my own homemade powdered seasoning. I hate to pull out a large dehydrator to dehydrate such small portions, and it almost seems even my other small household model is a bit much. 

Check out today’s Homestead Hack. I’ve found a way to quickly dehydrate small amounts of food for FREE!

Homestead Hack: I make my own powdered seasoning from dried veggies. But I've found a way to dehydrate small amounts of food for FREE! #TexasHomesteader

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Crispy Sweet Cinnamon/Sugar Apple Chips

by Texas Homesteader
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RancherMan loves crispy dehydrated apple slices topped with cinnamon sugar. I dry them in the dehydrator and then a quick stint in the oven to make them crisp. Check it out!

DEHYDRATED CINNAMON/SUGAR APPLE CHIPS - A Crispy Delicious And Healthy Snack For Your Family. Preserve The Harvest! #TexasHomesteader

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Preserving The Harvest: Dehydrating Onions

by Texas Homesteader
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Gardening is a fun hobby, but c’mon there’s lots of work involved too. From planting seeds or tender seedlings to standing under that hot summer sun watering, weeding and harvesting. 

Seeing that basket of fresh healthy produce is enough to make it all worthwhile of course. But oftentimes your harvest comes all at once as feast or famine. After putting in all of that tender loving care to your precious garden it’s important to make sure none of your hard works goes to waste.

For instance I harvested my onions when their growing time was up. But how to make sure a whole garden full of onions can be enjoyed instead of being sat aside deteriorating until they’re only compost worthy?  You can bet your hat I won’t be letting my hard work go to waste!

Preserving The Harvest: Dehydrating ONIONS. Don't distress over that glut of onion harvest, preserve it for cooking! See what I did. #TexasHomesteader


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