Digging Up & Replanting Onions That Have Doubled For Twice The Harvest

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’d overlooked harvesting many onions, but then saw many green sprouts. Many of the onions that sprouted that I overlooked from last-year’s garden are sprouting into two (or more) onions in one. So I dug the doubled-up onions, separated them & replanted the onions. Now there are twice as many as I had before!

Where I thought were only dead onions are now green sprouts. I've dug the doubled-up onions, separated them & replanted. #TexasHomesteader

Illness Keeps Me From My Garden

One year it was a roller-coaster ride for RancherMan & me due to my Breast Cancer Diagnosis.

It would be the very first year I couldn’t plant my garden. I’m not gonna lie, it made me pretty sad.

Thank goodness I had garden angels that surprised me at our house one beautiful spring morning and completely prepared all of our raised beds and planted my garden for me. What a blessing! 

Garden angels surprised me by showing up to plant my garden for me during my illness. #TexasHomesteader

I was able to harvest fresh veggies from my own garden that year because of the love and tender hearts of those sweet people.

But as I recovered from my illness, obviously my focus wasn’t on gardening. So I had some garden failures too where I normally wouldn’t have. One such failure was my crop of onions.

There were plenty planted, but I wasn’t able to tend to them as they grew. So they just withered & disappeared beneath the straw mulch as the brutal drought gripped our area of Texas for the third year in a row.

But recently I was pretty excited to see those little green tops peeking from beneath the soil. Some of my onions were coming back!

Doubled Onion Sets Grow From Overlooked Onions

As I watched the onions grow it became apparent that several were beginning to grow in doubles.

Where one onion plant grew I could tell there were two (or more) onions within that same bulb.

Where I thought were only dead onions are now green sprouts. I've dug the doubled-up onions, separated them & replanted. #TexasHomesteader

Some onion bulbs had up to FIVE sets in them! I wonder if I can separate and individually replant all those onions?

So I raked back the mulch and pulled out the onions that were doubling.

As I pulled each onion from the ground I could clearly see each had a single bulb but multiple onion sets coming from it.

Separating Doubled Onion Sets

This is where it gets interesting. I took a curved knife and carefully cut away the outer part of the bulb. The bulbs were softer than a normal onion at this point so it was easy to do.

Then I peeled back the layers until I got to the two firm onion sets within the bulb.

Where I thought were only dead onions are now green sprouts. I've dug the doubled-up onions, separated them & replanted. #TexasHomesteader

Again with my curved knife I gently cut through any remaining thin joining membranes & separated the two sets.

As I got to the roots I rocked the knife gently back & forth to slowly slice through the roots, being sure to leave some roots on each onion set.

Replanting Garden Onions

There were quite a few of the doubled onions in this row. So I set to work pulling the bulbs, separating the sets, and replanting.

Then I gently re-covered the newly-planted sets with mulch. Yea – replanting onions!

Where I once had a sad partial row of onions I now have a very full row of onions. So full in fact that I’ve had to scout elsewhere in my garden to plant the remaining onion sets. YES!

Where I thought were only dead onions are now green sprouts. I've dug the doubled-up onions, separated them & replanting onions. #TexasHomesteader

The onions may very well split again between now & spring. If they do I’ll just repeat the process.

The last time my onions doubled like this I had a bumper crop, so many that we couldn’t even come close to eating them all fresh.

Harvesting onions from my garden. #TexasHomesteader

I froze & dehydrated tons of onions. (I’m still enjoying some of the frozen purple onions in my cooking and my endless soup)

My hope is that this year’s onions will provide the same kind of harvest. RancherMan does love his onions!


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My Favorite Garden Hacks

My favorite gardening hacks all in one place. #TexasHomesteader

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7 thoughts on “Digging Up & Replanting Onions That Have Doubled For Twice The Harvest

  1. Raven

    I found this post through the Homestead Barn Hop at The Prairie Homestead. I love this tip for getting more onions! I never would have thought of that, so thanks a bunch for a great read!

  2. Kathy

    How awesome – I do hope you have them double again in the spring – I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  3. Joyce @ It's Your Life

    I planted some onions in my garden, pinning this in case this happens to ours, on my organic gardening board. Thanks for sharing on Tuesdays With a Twist, I enjoy your posts.

  4. sparkling74

    I grew onions for the first time this year and they did much better than I expected. I learned that when the tops fall over, they are ready to harvest, which w asa huge relief because I thought they all up and died at once out there! Now some of my stored onions are sprouting and I’m wondering if I should replant some of these for the spring.

  5. Nancy@livininthegreen

    That’s great! I love volunteer plants too! They make my day and here’s hoping your onions will be amazing this year!

  6. Candy C.

    How cool is that!! đŸ™‚
    I have one onion in my herb garden that has been there for four years now and I’m not even sure how many times it has doubled. I just cut the tops for green onions.

    1. Candy C.

      It would be worth trying; although, they ones I buy in the store are freeze dried.


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