How To Easily Open Those Stubborn Jar Lids

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Occasionally I have difficulty opening a stubborn stuck jar lid. If RancherMan is nearby I have a handy (and oh-so-handsome) jar opener right at my disposal.

But if not I still have an easy way to open those stubborn jars. And I do it using a common item in the ‘junk drawer’ right in my kitchen.

Difficulty Opening A Jar Lid

There are any number of reasons opening a jar might be difficult. Maybe arthritis or a hand injury keeps you have having as tight a grip as you used to.

Or sometimes the lid is just a super-tight seal. Perhaps it’s a jar of jam from the fridge that had a little residual jam on the mouth of the jar when the cap was last added.

For whatever reason, sometimes I need more than my own firm grip to open a jar.

Most of the time any jar lid I need removed pops off easily. But occasionally the lid is stuck and just won’t twist, no matter how hard I try.

I used to have those flat rubber-textured jar-gripper circles specifically made for helping with hand grip when opening a jar. But they often bundled up and clogged my kitchen drawer. Plus after a few years they’d get brittle. So I’m not fond of them.

But no worries, I found a better way!

Using A Rubber Band To Open Stubborn Jar

Lurking in my kitchen drawer is a rubber band that came on a bunch of asparagus I purchased recently. Now that rubber band is going to help a sistah out with this jar lid.

How to get that stubborn lid off of the jar? I've found an easy way using a rubber band to open jars. Check out this Homestead Hack! #TexasHomesteader

I take that rubber band and wrap it around the stubborn jar lid in question.

This gives me the perfect amount of grip – both for my hand and for the jar lid – to keep from slipping. I’m now able to easily open that jar.

Of course after the deed is done I’ll slip the rubber band back into the drawer, ready and waiting for next time.

Now don’t get me wrong, I still prefer have RancherMan open stubborn jars for me. If for nothing else than to get to enjoy his handsome face.

But this is a great alternative for times when he’s not inside the house. Who knew the lowly rubber band could be so helpful?


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7 thoughts on “How To Easily Open Those Stubborn Jar Lids

  1. Old Grey Mare

    Or for when you don’t want RancherMan to know you did not make the cheese sauce from scratch? JK

  2. Gregory

    Yes you are right …seems nothing is for free even if it holds that pricey asparagus together. Still a good Hack for those to know.

  3. Gregory

    Hello Tammy,
    Just thought I would make a small comment about your rubber band trick.
    I’ve been using rubber bands that are usually coming from vegetables I buy at the store. They are free and usually wide. It a great little hack and repurpose that has worked well for me, as I have lost a lot of my grip in my hands do to arthritis and over use from building over the years.
    Again Nice share that works Great !!!!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Yeppers, that’s where I got this rubber band, Greg – from a bundle of asparagus I had to buy. Well, actually judging from the surprisingly steep price of that asparagus I’d say I didn’t get anything for *free* (LOL) but it’s certainly a helpful hack anyway. ~TxH~

  4. candace ford

    I have a couple of things that look like beefy plastic bottle openers that I sometimes use as well as just catching the edge of the jar lid with the tip of a teaspoon and exerting a gentle prying action, and then as with rancher man if the birdman who lives with me is in the vicinity I hand the recalcitrant jar off to him. It’s good to have resources.

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      It really *is* good to have resources, Candace. ‘Specally when they’re handsome! đŸ˜‰ ~TxH~


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