Tag Archives: frugality

Our favorite articles about frugality, saving money & budgeting posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Easy Boneless Breaded Pork Chops Cooked Using The Power Of The SUN!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Well it looks like a sunshiny day and the wind will not be high. So I can’t think of a better reason to use my * Solar Oven. I want to bake boneless, breaded pork chops – OUTSIDE!

It doesn’t matter if it’s going to be hot or cold outside. That’s because the outside temps don’t really affect the cooking with a solar oven. I’ve heard it said that ‘all you need is a shadow‘.

Summer or winter – as long as the sun is shining and the wind isn’t high enough to mess with the reflectors, solar oven cooking is a GO!

Today I think I’ll try my hand at baked pork chops…

It's hot & humid outside, but I'm not adding it inside our home. How am I going to cook tonight's supper? You won't believe it! #TexasHomesteader

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Wordless Wednesday: Simple Laundry Day

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Hanging clean laundry on the line under that blazingly-blue sky just speaks to my heart, reminding me of slower & gentler days gone by. #TexasHomesteader

Hanging clean laundry on the line under that blazingly-blue sky just speaks to my heart, reminding me of slower & gentler days gone by.  ~TxH~

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Lemon Cookies Made w/Instant Potatoes

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

We were given a package of instant potato flakes. But I don’t cook with instant potatoes since we both much prefer the taste of real mashed potatoes to instant.

But y’all know how I hate to waste food, so I set out looking for ways to use them up. Thickening for soup? Sure. Topping for shepherd’s pie? Ok.

But it’s taking too long to use this bag of instant potatoes. So I set out to find a recipe to use ’em up a little faster.

Then I stumbled on a recipe to make COOKIES with them. Cookies? Really!??  Hummmm….

Cookies made with instant mashed potatoes?? YES! These cookies were surprisingly delicious, lemony & cake-like - check out my recipe. #TexasHomesteader

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Predator Guard To Keep Snakes Away From Our Purple Martin House

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

We love to watch the Purple Martin birds flying around our elevated birdhouse. See how we made a homemade predator guard for our martin house using an old chimney cap to keep the snakes away from the birds! 

See how we made a homemade predator guard for our martin house using a old chimney cap to keep the snakes away from the birds! #TexasHomesteader

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3 Ingredient Homemade Rosemary-Scented Hairspray

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Recently I ran out of hairspray and decided to quickly whip up another batch. I mean why not, it only contains 3 ingredients and uses a repurposed spray bottle. Come see how ridiculously easy (and CHEAP it is to make your own hairspray with 3 common household ingredients.

Homemade Hairspray using ordinary ingredients. See my method for making hairspray using a repurposed hairspray bottle. #TexasHomesteader
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MYO Thousand Island Dressing In Minutes

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

RancherMan’s not much of a salad guy. But he knows I’ll be pushing the fresh veggies on him every chance I get. LOL!

Recently I came by a larger quantity of carrots. So in an effort to make sure they didn’t go to waste I blanched & froze quite a few. I also steamed others for supper sides.

Oh, and I also sliced up some raw ones as well. In a sneaky sneak-in-more-veggies move I have a glass container that I keep in the fridge with these sliced carrots. While I’m preparing supper I’ll bring it out for him to snack on.

But he’s not one to snack on carrots without dipping them into a sauce of some kind. And his sauce of choice is Thousand Island dressing.

But then the unthinkable happened – we ran out of the dressing.

(In my best southern belle voice) “Oh gracious, what evah shall I do??”

In only 3 minutes time I can whip up homemade Thousand Island Dressing. Environmentally friendly, healthier and so inexpensive! #TexasHomesteader

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