Cute Repurposed Denim Fabric Baskets Made From Old Jeans

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I make quick & easy denim baskets using repurposed denim from old worn jeans. You can use them as a cute country-themed part of your home’s décor or even as cute gift bags. And it takes only sewing three straight lines. If I can do it, anyone can!  

Quick & Easy Denim Baskets repurposed from old worn jeans. I don't sew well, so If *I* can do it, anyone can. So CUTE! #TexasHomesteader

What if You Have Limited Sewing Skills?

OK y’all, if you follow me on Facebook you already know that I can’t sew because I’ve complained about it for years. 

I know that must have been a bitter disappointment to my grandmother who sewed all her life. (who made homemade patchwork quilts. For FUN??) And my mother was a skilled seamstress herself. But I could just never do it. 

Even though I was given an old Singer sewing machine and I promised myself I’d learn to use it. Well,  I.  Didn’t.

One of my New Year’s Goals (not resolutions) several years ago was to finally learn to use my sewing machine. 

New Year's resolutions are instead New Year's Goals. Come see the difference. #TexasHomesteader

My very first project that year was to make these cute small denim baskets with repurposed denim from RancherMan’s old worn jeans. Y’all know that I love all things denim & I think these baskets are ADORABLE! 

And if *I* can do it, anyone can. Check out how easy this is, y’all!

How Can I Repurposed Old Jeans Denim Material?

RancherMan is pretty tough on his jeans and it doesn’t take long before there are holes in the knees. So I’m always repurposing that sturdy denim fabric into cute things like:

Repurposing denim from worn jeans Easy crafts projects eco friendly #TexasHomesteader

But there’s much more denim fabric that can be used.

Looking For New Denim Repurpose Ideas

Then it happened. I was perusing the internet looking for cute things to do with repurposed denim and I ran across an idea. Sewing a portion of the jeans leg into a cute denim basket.

It looked pretty easy so I decided to make these little denim baskets to hold our homemade Christmas gifts that year. 

Now before you get too amazed at my mad sewing skills, please know that this project only required sewing 3 straight lines.

Quick & Easy Denim Baskets repurposed from old worn jeans. I don't sew well, so If *I* can do it, anyone can. So CUTE! #TexasHomesteader

But hey – I threaded the machine and that’s about 95% of my battle! 

How To Cut Denim Material To Make A Basket

I brought out a pair of RancherMan’s old worn Wranglers that I’d put away awaiting inspiration. Now’s the time!

I cut the leg portion off, about a foot length. Now I have a 1-foot long tube of denim that’s hemmed on one end. 

His Wrangler’s are boot-cut so a 1-foot section seemed about right for this basket. You might want to adjust if you’re using skinny jeans with a smaller leg opening.

Then I turned the fabric inside out since I’ll be sewing my seam on the underside of the fabric. After I smoothed the denim I sewed a straight seam across the cut end of the fabric to close the un-hemmed end.

Making A Boxed Bottom For A Fabric Basket

Now here comes the tricky part. (or maybe that’s just me…) I’m going to sew an angle straight across the straight seam that I just sewed to make a little triangle. This will give my denim basket a squared bottom so it can stand on its own.

So I pulled each side of my seam apart as far as I could and marked 1.5″ from the edge across the seam that I had just sewed. 

Then I used a ruler and a pencil to draw across forming a triangle out of this corner. 

Denim Basket - sew across seam to make a boxed bottom. #TexasHomesteader

To me making this boxed bottom for a denim basket was a little tricky because the seams that were originally along each side of the leg of the jeans can make it look like you don’t have a symmetrical triangle. 

But thankfully this is a rustic denim basket anyway so it’s very forgiving of sewing perfection.  (Can I get an *AMEN*??!!)  

Now all that’s left to do is turn the fabric right-side out again and with my fingers push the fabric at the bottom corner so that it forms a little box. Really – it truly is just that easy! 

If the bottom of the original leg seam is a little worn I love the look even more. So I don’t try to trim the frayed threads – I love the rustic look of it!

Embellishing My Homemade Denim Baskets

There are about a kazillion ways to embellish these cute little baskets. 

      • Use the leftover outside seam to form a little denim handle. 
      • Add an over-sized country themed brooch or pin
      • Cut out the belt loop section and tack it to the top portion of the basket
      • Tie a red bandana around the top
      • Add a raffia bow

The possibilities are endless.

Quick & Easy Denim Baskets repurposed from old worn jeans. I don't sew well, so If *I* can do it, anyone can. So CUTE! #TexasHomesteader

RancherMan & I have presented our homemade Christmas gifts in these oh-so-cute denim baskets several times. 

Not only will they give our gifts a little extra visual pop, but the packaging is cute, inexpensive, repurposed and reusable.

What’s not to love??


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24 thoughts on “Cute Repurposed Denim Fabric Baskets Made From Old Jeans

  1. Greg Hill

    Great re-purpose TMH,
    Pinned them all to my board Discover Repurposing.
    Would make great Christmas gift.

  2. Mother of 3

    These are adorable! What a perfect craft for those “ruined” jeans.

  3. Charlotte Burkholder

    That’s a cute idea for a unique gift packaging! Plus you are recycling and reusing something you already have. Thanks for sharing on Family Joy blog linkup.

  4. Michelle

    Those are so cute, and I had the same thought about using them for gift bags.

  5. Crystal Green

    These are super cute. I bet they last a long time too.

    Thank you for sharing this with us on the #HomeMattersParty. We hope to see you again when we open our doors on Friday at 12 AM EST.

  6. Autumn

    Absolutely darling! I’ve got to make some of these to fill as Christmas baskets for my niece and nephews. Love how the best things are the simple and resourceful!

  7. Michelle

    Oh my word Tammy, these are just so, so, so cute. Pinning for later.

  8. Sandra Zimmerman

    These are adorable! Just the thing to use up my husbands worn out jeans. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Margy

    Now I wish I hadn’t taken all of those jeans that got too tight to the thrift store. – Margy

  10. Linda at Mixed Kreations

    Oh I love these! They are all adorable! Would make such a cute gift bag. I’ve got some old jeans that I’ve been hanging on to. Pinning to make later! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Kristina & Millie

    such a cute idea and so easy to do! I think a few of these will work great in the grandsons bedroom. thanks for the tute!

  12. France Nadeau

    They are cute for sure! I made jeans baskets last year… You method is faster. 🙂

  13. Claire

    I love working with denim and am always looking for new repurposing ideas. These baskets look great thanks for sharing !

  14. Heather

    Great idea for center pieces for our fall western spaghetti dinner at school, thank you!

  15. Angie

    Love these little bags. It is always great to have another re-purpose idea for the stash of old jeans. Thanks!
    Re-sharing on plus.

  16. ColleenB.

    Congratulations on sewing your first project. They look Great and the great possibilities these could be used for. How cute it would be to put a small poinsettia plant inside; decanter of sorts to use as a small floral arrangement or like you mentioned; cute and adorable gift bags.
    Great job Tammy Can’t wait to see your next sewing project :}
    Have a great day

  17. Sharon

    How cute and practical to reuse your old jeans-you are so smart!

  18. Dawn S.

    Very nice idea ☺ I think I will give it a try. Thanks for sharing

  19. Greg Hill

    Very nice them all… and Pinned them all to my Discover Repurposing Board on Pinterest …
    Hope you get some hits from it…

    1. Greg Hill

      Thanks TMH,
      Thanks for following so many of my boards. I hope ave a blessed week. Greg


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