Tag Archives: using leftovers

All our favorite articles about using leftovers to save time, money and food waste posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Planned Leftovers: Leftover Grilled Vegetable & Chicken Fajitas

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Planned leftovers is purposely cooking more at one meal with the intent of turning those leftovers into a completely different kind of meal the next night.

We’d purposely grilled more chicken & vegetables so I could incorporate planned leftovers for the next day (which means a night off cooking!) That excess grilled food was quickly changed into delicious homemade chicken fajitas in minutes.

Planned Leftovers - We purposely grilled more chicken breasts & vegetables so we could turn the purposeful leftovers into chicken fajitas. #TexasHomesteader

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Homestead Hack: Leftover Great Northern Beans

by Texas Homesteader~ 

Recently I cooked some great northern beans. They were delicious & we enjoyed them as a side dish for that evening’s meal. I served them later in the week as a quick side dish also.

But then I wondered… Is there a more exciting way to serve these beans that will have RancherMan smacking his lips?

Well yes, yes there is! Check out this Homestead Hack!

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Fast Food: Remaking Leftover Steak & Veggies

by Texas Homesteader ~

Keeping the grocery budget low & eliminating waste is important in our household. Oftentimes that means Planned Leftovers. But sometimes it’s just making Fast Food by reworking leftovers into a brand new dish.

When it’s time to plan a meal I typically look at what I have to be used and build a meal around those things. That way there’s no food waste. And if I’m using leftovers, the bulk of the meal has already been cooked. All that’s left is to do is to think outside the box and use a little leftover magic. Bibbidy-Bobbidy-BOO – let’s see what we can do!

What do you do with leftover steak? Come see my Fast-Food solution of making a new dinner of beef tips & noodles with those leftovers. #TexasHomesteader

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Homestead Hack: BBQ Sandwiches A Fast Planned Leftover Meal

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I love Planned Leftovers. Especially pulled pork BBQ sandwiches because it’s so quick & easy yet so delicious. Looking for a quick meal with precious little hands-on time? Check out this homestead hack for leftover roast.

Using leftover roast it's easy to whip up BBQ sandwiches in a flash! #TexasHomesteader

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