Tag Archives: recipes

Our favorite articles about homemade recipes and home cooking posted on TexasHomesteader.com

A Simple & Fresh Homemade Garden Salsa: Easy. Healthy. Delicious!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

A fresh garden salsa can be the perfect addition to any meal. It’s vibrant, healthy and incredibly easy to make. With just a few fresh ingredients and a few minutes’ time you can make this flavorful garden salsa, bursting with freshness.

I've always said plant what you love to eat - we love salsa! See what I harvested from the garden for our homemade garden salsa at supper. #TexasHomesteader

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Recipe: Stuffed Bell Peppers – Makes Enough To Freeze Some For Later!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Stuffed Peppers are a favorite in our dinner repertoire. I love bell peppers and usually plant several bell pepper plants in my garden.

One of my favorite meals using bell peppers is making stuffed peppers.

Recipe: Stuffed Peppers. Delicious and makes enough to freeze for later meals too - Cook Once, Eat Twice. Enjoy Those Garden Peppers! #TexasHomesteader

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Wild Game Recipe: Smoked Ham Salad

by Texas Homesteader ~

Feral hogs are simply domesticated hogs that escaped from various farmers pens years ago and reproduced in the wild.

But in Texas they’re prolific and very damaging to our pastures. Those wild hogs are easily able to root huge 2-ft deep holes along very large swaths of pasture overnight. Their damage not only destroys grazing opportunities for our cattle but also causes damage to our equipment.

Thankfully I’m married to a talented hunter-husband and he helps reduce their population by hunting or trapping these hogs and we have the pork processed locally.

Our processor has many options for the pork but one of our favorites is smoked ham. Recently I made a sandwich spread from some of that delicious ham. It’s RancherMan’s favorite sandwich spread.

Have a small amount of leftover smoked ham? Don't waste it. You can eliminate food waste by making it into ham salad sandwich spread. It's easy! #TexasHomesteader

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Wild Game Recipe: Slow Cooker Pork Roast w/Red Wine

by Texas Homesteader~

Being the wife of a talented hunter husband, I’m often cooking wild game here on the homestead. I like to make pulled pork BBQ and I often do. And sometimes I’m using the Cook-Once, Eat Twice method of cooking so I’ll cook my pork roasts with more mainstream seasonings so I can use the leftovers in dishes such as Carnitas Tacos, Pulled-Pork Enchildas and more. But sometimes I like to make pork roast for a more formal meal.

When my talented hunter-husband 'brings home the bacon', I pull out the slow cooker and make a delicious pork roast with red wine broth. #TexasHomesteader

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Recipe: Jalapeno – Cheese Beer Buns for BBQ

by Texas Homesteader ~
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I recently wrote about making some pretty darn tasty shredded pork BBQ from my talented RancherMan’s successful ‘bringing home the bacon’, as it were…

The BBQ was delicious but I decided this time I’d like to bake my own homemade buns as well.

I make jalapeno-cheese beer bread often and thought jalapeno-cheese flavored beer buns might be a fun twist for this meal.

The verdict is in: They were awesome!

I often make jalapeno cheese beer bread, so why not jalapeno cheese beer buns to go with homemade pulled pork BBQ? These are delicious! #TexasHomesteader

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