Tag Archives: fruit

Our favorite articles about fruit recipes and fruit preservation posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Gluten Free Cherry Pie Filling Recipe From Frozen or Canned Cherries

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Sometimes I need a can of cherry pie filling for a recipe. But DANG have you priced that little can of filling? And there’s often lots of filling but precious little actual cherry in those cans.

But it’s simple to make your own gluten-free pie filling using canned or frozen cherries. 

Homemade Cherry Pie Filling recipe using frozen cherries. #TexasHomesteader

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5 Easy Ways To Preserve Fresh Apples & Delicious Apple Dessert Recipes Too!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Apples are super cheap when they’re in season. Don’t you just crave that sweet deliciousness of autumn? Me too!

Come see my 5 favorite ways to preserve lots of fresh apples and some delicious apple dessert recipes as well.

Come see my 5 favorite ways to preserve fresh apples. #TexasHomesteader

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Fast Dessert: Strawberries & Homemade Whipped Cream

by Texas Homesteader ~

Who doesn’t love dessert? We don’t have dessert every night of course but my handsome RancherMan does have a sweet tooth. Sometimes we like light & fluffy desserts like strawberries & whipped cream.

Other times we enjoy a heavier dessert. It’s not unusual for me to have homemade brownies or even apple pie. Or depending upon how hectic the day was I might take a shortcut and make something easy like homemade chocolate pudding.

A delicious dessert need not take lots of time or effort. Heck one of our favorite desserts is strawberries & fresh whipped cream. Dessert in a flash!

A delicious dessert needn't take lots of time, one of our favorite desserts is strawberries & fresh whipped cream. Dessert in a flash! #TexasHomesteader

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Homemade Strawberry Shortcake Dessert

by Texas Homesteader ~

I love strawberry shortcake, don’t you? Recently I wrote about making homemade strawberry shortcake dessert for my handsome RancherMan and two of our grandbabies. It was a lip-smacking dessert that looked and tasted like I’d been in the kitchen for hours.

I’ll never tell them that it was super-easy to whip it all up from scratch – even the shortcake!  C’mon y’all, I’ll let ya in on how I did it.

I wanted to make Strawberry Shortcake from scratch & was pleasantly surprised at how easy & quick it was - even the whipped cream! #TexasHomesteader

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