How Higher Quality Can Actually Be Cheaper and Sustainable Too!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Did you know higher quality items can be both cheaper as well as sustainable? Yep it’s true, you can often buy better quality for LESS money. That is if you know these simple tricks. 

Cheaply made items are bound to frustrate me in the long run. Higher quality outperforms and outlasts, but it doesn't have to be more expensive. #TexasHomesteader

(Note: Some links in this post will take you to other related articles for further information. But links preceded with * are affiliate links. If you click and buy something I could receive a tiny commission.)

Quality vs. Price – Which Is Better?

It’s no secret I like to use only higher-quality items. They’re likely to be the better financial choice in the long run.

But there are only so many dollars in the budget ya know! 

It's easy to use these tips to save money. #TexasHomesteader

Still when making that final choice about a purchase I always lean toward quality before I consider price, not the other way around! 

Yes it’s true I can buy 3 brand new cheap whatsits for the same price as this one higher-quality whatsit.

But my choice when making a purchase is always going to be for the higher-quality item.

There are a couple of reasons why spending more money for better quality is better than spending less money in the first place. 

Why Higher Quality Is Better Than A Cheaper Price

Performance. This is most important. Higher quality items usually far outperform their more cheaply-made counterparts.

It would be a shame to save money just to be frustrated that an item doesn’t perform like it should.

Longevity. It’s true, an item that’s made better typically lasts longer too. That means it won’t have to be thrown away as quickly then MORE money needing to be spent on replacement because it wears out or breaks.

Less landfill-bound trash leaving the our household as well as fewer purchases to replace. You just know that makes my crunchy-green heart happy!

How Cheaper Price Frustrates Me When Buying

When making a purchase I always look at quality first.

Take my cookware for instance. Sure I could go to the local discount store & buy the latest lightweight pan for cheap. But why?

Buying cheaply-made flimsy items is sure to frustrate me in the long run. I don’t have the time nor the money for that!

Where To Find Higher Quality At A Lower Price

But here’s the deal, buying higher quality doesn’t have to break the bank. There are many ways you can have high-quality items inexpensively. 

Buy Used: Finding Quality Items At Thrift Stores

One such way is to not buy it new in the first place. Thrift stores are a great place to find higher-quality and longer-lasting items, from sturdy cookware to well-made clothing.

Giving Back. I especially love shopping at thrift stores because it closes the loop in charitable giving.

Money raised by thrift store sales often fund very worthwhile charities. You can feel good about spending your money there! 

You can buy higher quality and used by purchasing from thrift stores. #TexasHomesteader

So a charitable thrift store gets my money for a great cause, I get quality items, and nothing goes to the landfill. I feel good about all of that!

Quality Heirlooms – Pass It Down!

Another thing to consider is to always be open to items that might be shared with you. Many times it’s true what they say: They don’t make ’em like they used to. 

Case In Point: This cast-iron skillet was a gift for my grandmother when she & my grandfather married back in 1934. She used it heavily for decades to cook for her family. Then she passed it on to me several years ago. 

Cheaply made items are bound to frustrate me in the long run. Higher quality outperforms and outlasts, but it doesn't have to be expensive. #TexasHomesteader

I’ve used it for over 30 years so far. And know I will be able to pass it on to my children as well. It’s hard to beat that kind of quality!

High Quality Items Found At Antique Stores

If there’s no cast iron cookware available to be passed down to you from older generations in your family, keep in mind that cast iron cookware is often found at antique stores for a song. 

I’ve also purchased many pieces of furniture from antique stores. And I’ve found them to be made of substantially higher quality than what I’m seeing in the discount stores with their lightweight veneers and particleboard construction. 

The antique items I purchase are beautiful timeless classics and they look lovely in our home. And oftentimes their value actually appreciates instead of the other way around.

Proof that high quality doesn’t have to be expensive!

Lidded Glass Bakeware – CorningWare Quality

I also have vintage CorningWare dishes that belonged to another grandmother. She used them for decades before they were finally passed to me over 20 years ago.

To me, they’re sentimental and the blue CorningWare Blue Cornflower design is so pretty!  

Cheaply made items are bound to frustrate me in the long run. Higher quality outperforms and outlasts, but it doesn't have to be expensive. #TexasHomesteader

Again I’ll probably use them for several years myself before finally passing them on to my children.

Lidded Glass Bakeware Does Double Duty

I love these vintage casserole dishes. They go from oven to pretty table serving to the fridge with leftovers. No more plastic food storage dishes holding our food in the refrigerator.  

Use covered CorningWare casserole dishes to cook, store and reheat your food. #TexasHomesteader

I’ve been pushing for years to remove plastic for storing our food. These days my fridge is almost completely plastic free.

I love Ditching The Plastic in my fridge!  

Using reusable glass in the refrigerator removes plastic food storage and is see-through too. #TexasHomesteader

And the same pretty CorningWare dish holding our leftover food in the fridge is once again used to heat and serve it.

(Use care when heating cold glass dishes. If you heat too fast it can create thermal shock, which can crack glassware)

What To Do When You Must Buy New

If you *DO* have to buy something new, at least try to purchase the highest quality you can afford. And be sure to buy that bakeware with glass lids so it can serve double purpose cooking, storing and reheating your food.

That way even though your purchase is new, it’s pretty certain it will last a very long time.


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15 thoughts on “How Higher Quality Can Actually Be Cheaper and Sustainable Too!

  1. Katy SkipTheBag

    That corningwear photo reminds me of my Mom and Grandma! Thanks for sharing on #sustainablesunday!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Gotta love old CorningWare Katy. These are so special to me since they belonged to my grandmother. And that square cast iron skillet that belonged to my other grandmother has been cooking delicious meals for my family in one way or another for almost 100 years. Now THAT’S a quality-made product! ~TxH~

  2. tonia conner

    My sentiment exactly. I also have the same corning ware, it was given to me when our home burned down because she didn’t use it any longer. I have never had the desire to replace it with something new.

  3. Barb @ A Life in Balance

    I try to keep in mind Amy D. of The Tightwad Gazette’s comment about spending little on disposable items, and investing in long-term items. Shoes for my kids – pretty disposable since they keep growing. Shoes for me – long-term because I invest time in their care, plus I’ve stopped growing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for linking up at Fabulously Frugal Thursday!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      AAAAAAAhhhhh Barb — Amy D, the queen of frugality. I get so much inspiration from her books! Yes,, spend little on disposable, but more on long-term items. Thanks for sharing that! ~TxH~

  4. Zoe @ecothrifty

    Totally agree – high quality doesn’t need to be expensive if it isn’t new and it is a great way to give money to charity as well!

  5. KM Logan

    I LOVE cast-iron cookware. I never thought of looking for it at an antique store. My 3 skillets are ALWAYS out on my stove top, because I use them that often and they’re also there in case I need to bang an intruder on the head ๐Ÿ™‚ (And yes I’m serious about that one.)

  6. daisy

    Thrift stores are where all the time-worn treasures live. They really don’t make things like they used to.

  7. Candy C.

    Two very true statements are “You get what you pay for” and “They don’t make them like that anymore!” I love my cast iron and my Corning Ware too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Nancy @ ARJ

    I find the most useful and high quality vintage cooking pieces at my local thrift — made so much better than the products of today for a fraction of the price. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Nancy, low-cost quality for you, infusion of money for the thrift store, fewer items sent to the landfill. Yea! ~TxH~

  9. victoria witte

    Don’t forget auctions. Dishes and cookware often go for next to nothing. Lots of good sturdy furniture is usually available too. Just remember to set a price that you think you are willing to pay and stop bidding when it gets to that point—-unless it is something that just completely steals your heart away.

    We’ve bought most all our furniture that way starting way back in the 70’s. It’s an economical way to buy and makes for a fun Saturday morning outing too.

    Victoria in Indiana

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Oh, excellent point about the auctions Victoria – and they’re lots of fun too! ~TxH~


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