Why Can’t We Get Along? We’re Different Yet The SAME!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

We all have values we hold dear. Our life experiences oftentimes shape us gently into the complex yet incredibly beautiful people we become. My values won’t necessarily be the same as yours. And that’s OK!

Hate cannot drive out hate - only LOVE can do that. I pray that one day we may all just accept our brother or sister for just what they are... Fellow Humans. #TexasHomesteader

Tragedy Hits

I read the news stories and I’m shocked, sickened & saddened beyond belief. How could this be?? An evil person filled with a dark, boiling hate strolled into a place filled with happy people – and just instantly eliminated several innocent lives.

Not just names in a news story, but sons and daughters, friends and beloved family members. People who got up that morning and went about their normal day, not knowing the terror that lied ahead for them.

My mind screams “no, no, NO!” but as I see these images on the nightly news I’m forced to accept its reality.

We All Have Beliefs That We Hold Dear

And what did these people dare to do to cause his ire? Attack him or his family? Steal from him? Perhaps cause a financial downfall?

No, their only transgression was simply that they didn’t believe exactly as he did.

Because they had differing opinions of life, love and happiness. And this evil person didn’t tolerate anything different from his own rigid ideals.

So he simply casually disposed of their lives in one inexplicably evil act.

Why Can’t We Get Along?

As I’ve felt for what seems way too long, I’m once again saddened by the fact that as a human race we just can’t seem to get along!

There are so many questions screaming through my mind. Why oh why must it be us” versus “them“? My way or nothing at all?

And why can we not accept that some people might think or feel differently than ourselves? Why must this rigid intolerance of others result in meaningless violence time & time again? 

Different, But The Same!

We’re not white or black, republican or democrat. It’s not us against THEM! We’re all humans, brothers & sisters. And none of us are exactly the same.

We all have our own special value, our own spark of life. And we add that unique spark in our own special way to the lives around us, whether friend or stranger.

We All Have Rights To Life, Liberty, The Pursuit Of Happiness

But even with all the differences we embody, there’s one thing that we all hold in common. We’re all inhabitants of this big blue planet we call earth.

Those on the other side of ‘The Line‘ are humans too, others who have as much right to their opinions as you have for yours.

Many different flowers makes for a more beautiful bouquet. Hate cannot drive out hate - only LOVE can do that. I pray that one day we may all just accept our brother or sister for just what they are... Fellow Humans. #TexasHomesteader

It’s true we’re not all alike. And what a wonderful thing! Many different flowers makes for a more beautiful bouquet, right? 

So let’s embrace humanity for once – the similarities & the differences, and just learn a little tolerance. Show a little love. 

As the great Martin Luther King, Jr. once said,

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. 

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

I pray that one day we may all just accept our brother or sister for just what they are…

Fellow Humans.


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7 thoughts on “Why Can’t We Get Along? We’re Different Yet The SAME!

  1. Beth

    What a beautiful quote form MLK, Jr. My heart is heavy. Thanks for sharing your heart with Simply Natural Saturday.

  2. Ginger Dawn Harman

    Very well said!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Thank you Ginger – I think many of us are hurting right now. Prayers for the families affected and prayers for our nation too! ~TxH~

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      When my heart hurts like this I struggle to put my feelings into words, Claudia. Hopefully I’ve at least conveyed a small portion of my feelings. ~TxH~


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