Tag Archives: wild game

All our favorite articles about wild game including harvesting and simple recipes posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Roast Leftovers Into Hearty Stew For Healthy Homemade Meal FAST!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Who doesn’t love a hearty stew when the weather’s cold? And if you’re using leftover roast to make it, a healthy meal can be on the table for your family in minutes.

Today I’m sharing the quickest & most basic delicious leftover idea: a Hearty Stew! 

Planned Leftovers remade into the quickest meal possible - a hearty meat/veggie stew. Check out this Homestead Hack. #TexasHomesteader

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Wild Game Recipe: Wild Hog Pork Ribs On The Grill

by Texas Homesteader 

Wild hogs are a problem here in NE Texas, their destruction is far-reaching and often severe.  These destructive creatures sweep across our fields in great quantities & root huge holes in our pastures overnight. This damage not only destroys the pasture grasses we rely on to feed our cattle, but can be damaging to our equipment as well.

But the good news is these wild hogs are just pork – escaped domestic hogs that have re-bred for years in the wild. RancherMan is an accomplished hunter. Since these wild hogs are so plentiful on our homestead it’s very common for us to have an abundance of wild pork in our freezer at any given time.

I’ve written before about some of the many ways I cook this meat such as Pulled Pork Sandwiches & Slow Cooker Pork Roast w/Red Wine, But today I’m writing about that sweet rite of Barbeque-Season passage – Pork Ribs on the grill!

RancherMan is an accomplished hunter and wild pork is plentiful here in NE Texas. Today he invited over dinner guests & grilled up some ribs! #TexasHomesteader

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Easiest Way To Make BBQ Pork Sandwiches In A Solar Oven: A Delicious Eco-Friendly Meal

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

While traditional BBQ sandwiches often use pulled pork or beef brisket, I also like to make them using ground meat. They’re so much easier to eat that way. Here’s how I make them using just the power of the sun: My solar oven. 

I use my solar oven often especially when it's hot outside. It keeps cooking heat outside where it belongs! Today I'm cooking BBQ pork. #TexasHomesteader

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Wild Game Recipe: Smoked Ham Salad

by Texas Homesteader ~

Feral hogs are simply domesticated hogs that escaped from various farmers pens years ago and reproduced in the wild.

But in Texas they’re prolific and very damaging to our pastures. Those wild hogs are easily able to root huge 2-ft deep holes along very large swaths of pasture overnight. Their damage not only destroys grazing opportunities for our cattle but also causes damage to our equipment.

Thankfully I’m married to a talented hunter-husband and he helps reduce their population by hunting or trapping these hogs and we have the pork processed locally.

Our processor has many options for the pork but one of our favorites is smoked ham. Recently I made a sandwich spread from some of that delicious ham. It’s RancherMan’s favorite sandwich spread.

Have a small amount of leftover smoked ham? Don't waste it. You can eliminate food waste by making it into ham salad sandwich spread. It's easy! #TexasHomesteader

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Wild Game Recipe: Slow Cooker Pork Roast w/Red Wine

by Texas Homesteader~

Being the wife of a talented hunter husband, I’m often cooking wild game here on the homestead. I like to make pulled pork BBQ and I often do. And sometimes I’m using the Cook-Once, Eat Twice method of cooking so I’ll cook my pork roasts with more mainstream seasonings so I can use the leftovers in dishes such as Carnitas Tacos, Pulled-Pork Enchildas and more. But sometimes I like to make pork roast for a more formal meal.

When my talented hunter-husband 'brings home the bacon', I pull out the slow cooker and make a delicious pork roast with red wine broth. #TexasHomesteader

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Wild Game Recipe: Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwiches

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Wild hogs are well-known in these parts for the extreme damage caused on on farmers or ranchers property. 

These animals are highly destructive as they root and dig. They can completely tear up a pasture in no time flat. And they not only damage to the pasture or crops, but also to the equipment used to work that land whether it be crop harvester or tractor.

The good news is – it’s just PORK and it’s delicious! Feral hogs are simply domesticated hogs that have escaped into the wild.

Having a hunter husband means there’s opportunity to not only remove these damaging creatures from our property but feed ourselves as well.

One of my favorite ways to use this pork is with shredded pork BBQ sandwiches.

Leftover pork roast into BBQ sandwiches is delicious. The slow cooker is a convenient way to cook pulled pork. Add jalapenos and sauce! #TexasHomesteader

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