With so much wild-game ground pork I made savory meatloaf using the ‘cook-once-eat-twice’ method of cooking. Whether you use wild game or ground beef, check out my simple recipe!
Wild hogs are a problem here in NE Texas, their destruction is far-reaching and often severe. These destructive creatures sweep across our fields in great quantities & root huge holes in our pastures overnight. This damage not only destroys the pasture grasses we rely on to feed our cattle, but can be damaging to our equipment as well.
But the good news is these wild hogs are just pork – escaped domestic hogs that have re-bred for years in the wild. RancherMan is an accomplished hunter. Since these wild hogs are so plentiful on our homestead it’s very common for us to have an abundance of wild pork in our freezer at any given time.
I’ve written before about some of the many ways I cook this meat such as Pulled Pork Sandwiches & Slow Cooker Pork Roast w/Red Wine, But today I’m writing about that sweet rite of Barbeque-Season passage – Pork Ribs on the grill!
Last week I shared five ways to reduce waste in your kitchen. Today I’ll share five MORE things RancherMan & I have done to reduce our kitchen waste enough to help eliminate weekly trash pickup.
Don’t worry, they’re all easy. Hey, I’m all about making things easy!
RancherMan & I have a Valentine’s Day tradition: we get together in the kitchen & make a special dinner for each other.
It’s a way for us to focus fully on each other & give a gift straight from the heart. For this special meal, money is no object. And the sky is the limit for our meal choices when we’re planning it.
Usually we decide together what the meal will be & we get in the kitchen together & make the planned culinary delight side-by-side.
But when we were planning what would be our Valentine’s meal this year I told RancherMan that he could choose the entrée – anything in the world he wanted.
All I cared for was the dessert. I wanted chocolate, and I wanted that chocolate to be TRUFFLES.
RancherMan & I enjoy microwave popcorn. But although those little 3-pack boxes we used to buy at the store were cheap, they were packed with not only the box but individual plastic wrappings and all those weird crinkly popcorn bags of trash. And didn’t I read that those bags had harmful chemicals?
Is there any way to enjoy it without all that trash? As a matter of fact there IS!
Recently I was in the mood for French toast. What a frugal choice for a quick breakfast – a little bread, a couple of eggs, a splash of milk, dash of spice and BOOM!
Although I like to make our food from scratch whenever possible, sometimes you just don’t want to go through the trouble of pulling out the mixing bowls and ingredients to whip up something delicious. Yes, dear friends, I’ve found a shortcut.
I can make a quick, hot delicious apple dessert in a matter of minutes. RancherMan loves it and so do I. And c’mon, who doesn’t love a shortcut? Intrigued? Oh yeah I’ll bet you are…