by Texas Homesteader ~
At the loss of a loved one people often gather in remembrance in different ways. Some do balloon releases not understanding the significant damage balloons do to the environment and dangers to wildlife.
Instead, planting a tree actually benefits both wildlife as well as environment while being a source of comfort for years to come.
(Note: Some links in this post will take you to other related articles for further information. But links preceded with * are affiliate links. If you click and buy something I could receive a tiny commission.)
Living Memorial For Longer Lasting Comfort After Loss
A tradition in my family when a loved one passes away is to plant a tree in their memory.
There are many benefits to adding this longer-term symbol of remembrance:
* A funeral is meaningful & healing. But lasts only a few hours.
* Releasing balloons lasts only a few minutes. (yet has 100% chance of becoming litter & the dangerous environmental impact can last for years)
* Planting a memorial tree can be a long-lasting living remembrance to honor a loved one for decades.
You can smile and think warmly of your loved one each time you see the tree bloom. Or watch it grow and enjoy watching the birds that make nests and raise their young among its branches.
How Do You Choose The Right Tree?
Deciding what kind of tree to plant is a very personal choice. It can be a tree you love or one that grows easiest in your location.
Your local extension agent or the Arbor Day Foundation are great assets for determining the best tree suitable for your area. (reference links at the end of this post)
Your choice can be based on the personality of the loved one you’ve lost. For instance:
A Magnolia tree for that Southern Belle or fine Southern Gentleman friend.
Fruit tree such as apple, pear, etc. for one who loved to garden.
Flowering tree such as Dogwood, Redbud, Crape Myrtle etc. for someone who loved flowers
Oak tree for a stately presence to represent a loved one you’ve lost.
Trees with bright fall foliage such as Red Oak, Pistache or Maple for a loved one who loved the colors of autumn.
What Is The Proper Way To Plant A Tree?
Planting a tree is easy but there are important things to keep in mind to plant them correctly. You want to make sure your tree grows vigorous for years to come.
I encourage you to read my post about Properly Planting Trees before you start.
Meaningful Ceremony Ideas When Planting A Memorial Tree
There are many ways you can make your memorial tree planting a meaningful ceremonial event for all.
Helping To Plant Tree. Some mourners may be comforted by having a hand in planting this special memorial tree together.
Mourners With Watering Can. Have a large tub of water nearby and allow each mourner pour a small watering can of water on the new planting.
Natural Mulch. Have a large tub of natural wood mulch close, each mourner can add a handful of mulch to the base of the tree.
Words of Comfort. Each mourner can have the opportunity to stand and speak of your loved one or read a meaningful poem as they add a container of water or handful of mulch to your memorial tree planting.
Our Grieving Process
My mother passed away a few summers ago. We used the time immediately after her passing to grieve in the traditional ways.
Funeral plans were made, emotional support given to my dad & family, various family members helped to go through & donate mom’s clothes to organizations & causes she cared about, etc.
But when the record heat & drought of summer passed we made a meaningful and longer-lasting remembrance. We planted a tree in her memory.
How To Personalize A Memorial Tree Planting
There are any number of ways to personalize your memorial tree planting.
* Solar Light Stakes – Flowers, butterflies, etc.
* Memorial Garden Stones – A sentimental touch.
*Memorial Wind Chimes – Pretty sounds with each gentle breeze.
*Small Memorial Statues – Angels, butterflies, etc.
One of my mom’s passions was being a Master Naturalist. The Texas Master Naturalist icon is a dragonfly. So items with dragonflies were my preference to honor my mother.
We got a *Dragonfly Suncatcher to hang from a branch in her remembrance tree.
We also made a pretty Dragonfly of rocks to honor her memory.
But whatever has meaning for you or your family, make this planting a personal extension of that.
Now that our remembrance tree is planted, we can have the benefit of the emotional comfort it offers for years to come.
Have you ever planted something in memory of a loved one who had passed away? What special touches of comfort meant the most to you?
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See Our Inspirational Posts
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- Texas A&M University – Best Time To Plant Trees In Texas
- TAMU – Tree Planting Steps
- Arbor Day Organization – Choosing The Right Tree For Your Area
- Call 811 – Free Utility Line Locator
- Balloons Blow – Environmental Impact Of Balloon Releases
Hello Tammy,
From an old friend Gregory Hill.
Somehow we lost touch and I would love to reconnect if I could.
My time today is busy but I saw your Pinterest site and that’s how I was able to contact you again.
God Bless your day.
Hello Gregory, hope all is well in your world these days. đŸ™‚ ~TxH~
This is a great post. As a nation we use up our trees so quickly and this also gives us an opportunity to have that living reminder of our loved one.
I agree Angela. It creates a more meaningful, longer lasting and ecology sound way to remember a loved one. My hope is that this post is shared many times to create awareness… there IS a better way than balloon releases! ~TxH~