Homestead Hack – FREE Ponytail Holders From A Repurposed Sock Elastic

~Texas Homesteader~ 

I have a never-ending supply of ponytail holders and I need look no further than my rag bag using elastic from old socks. 

Homestead Hack: Use band from repurposed elastic from a pair of old holey socks #TexasHomesteader

Holey Sock Repurposed To Handy New Uses

It’s just a fact that socks wear out. It doesn’t matter how well you take care of them, eventually they end up with holes in them.

And when they do, socks go on to their second purpose here on the Homestead.

I have various ways I repurpose holy socks to new purposes. Who knew an old sock could be used in so many new ways?

One old sock can be repurposed for:

      • Shop Rag

      • Kitchen Cleaning Rag

      • Scrubbing Textured Rag

      • Cast-Iron Oiling Rag

      • Elastic For Holding Food Packages Closed

      • Hair Tie Elastic 

There are lots of ways to use a holey sock - cleaning rags, cast-iron oilers, scrubby rag and hair bands. #TexasHomesteader

Cutting A Sock For A Rag

To cut a sock for a rag I typically cut off the toe section & elastic band top from the holey sock. Then I cut the sock along the back ankle/heel/foot to open it up flat.

I then cut the resulting material into a square-ish shape by squaring off that thin or holey heel.

I’ve now repurposed that previously-useless sock into a small scrub cloth. These absorbent cotton cloths work great for scrubbing, cleaning and dusting.

And when they’re too far gone to be used in the house I give ’em to RancherMan. He’ll use them in the shop for greasy chores and such. 

There are lots of ways to use a holey sock - cleaning rags, cast-iron oilers, scrubby rag and hair bands. #TexasHomesteader

After that I don’t mind that they’re thrown away. They’ve been repurposed many times and they’ve done some serious duty – from sock to cleaning to shop rag!

Old Sock Elastic Top Used For Ponytail Holder!

But one of my fastest repurposes for that old sock is that handy top elastic band I’ve cut away. It always gets used. For me!

That elastic band is perfect to use for a ponytail holder. It’s stretchy, elastic and there’s a never-ending supply of them for FREE!

Now since my hair is baby fine, I have to wrap that bad boy around my tiny ponytail three  times. You ladies with thicker hair could rock it so much better than I! 

Cut the band from a holey pair of socks and use for a ponytail holder hair band. #TexasHomesteader

Free Hair Ties Tucked Away Everywhere!

Since there’s no shortage of these free hair bands, keep one in the car and another in your overnight travel bag. You can keep one in your purse, gym bag and at your desk at work too.

You’ll never be caught without a way to keep your hair out of your face when you’re out & about. Gotta love it, right?

Hair Elastics In Fun Colors

My socks are always black and RancherMan’s socks are always white. But if your socks are more colorful, all the better.

A bright orange, sunny yellow or vibrantly green ponytail holder would look nice and be fun too. And you can use child-sized socks for thinner elastics. Use ’em all!

So if you’re constantly looking for a ponytail band, don’t spend your hard-earned money for them. You need to look no further than your own rag bag for a holey sock!


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4 thoughts on “Homestead Hack – FREE Ponytail Holders From A Repurposed Sock Elastic

  1. Candice

    PS. I’m curious… would you mind posting a pic of your sock after you cut it down into a rag? I just can’t picture it. đŸ˜€

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      There’s a photo of socks cut into rags in this post –> (although they’re folded in half and not laid out flat.) Basically I’ll cut the elastic top off. Then I cut the toe off. Then I’ll cut the sock open starting over the heel, down the middle of the heel and all the way to the bottom. When I open it up the heels will keep the cloth from being square. But that’s the thinnest fabric on a worn sock anyway. So I square up by cleaning rag by cutting the heels. Done & DONE! That terrycloth is a great scrubbing material. And when they’re too far gone to be used in the house they go to RancherMan’s shop to use with grease & such before finally being thrown away. ~TxH~

  2. Candice

    Great idea!! Falls into the Why didn’t I think of that category!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Oh I hear ya – I’m not sure why I haven’t been doing this all along. Now there are these repurposed hair bands in both the work truck as well as our car’s glovebox. I’ve also been using them in the freezer to hold packages closed. When I’ve used some of my cornmeal I typically store the remainder in the freezer. (you only deal with pantry moths ONCE before you make sure it never, ever happens again! LOL) So I roll down the top of the the package to close it up and slip an elastic around the bag yet over the rolled-down part it to keep it tightly closed. I even have an elastic waistband cut from an old pair of yoga pants in the freezer holding closed a 25-lb bag of flour. #UseWhatchaGot! ~TxH~


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