Tag Archives: cooking

Our favorite posts on cooking posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Wild Game Recipe: Smoked Ham Salad

by Texas Homesteader ~

Feral hogs are simply domesticated hogs that escaped from various farmers pens years ago and reproduced in the wild.

But in Texas they’re prolific and very damaging to our pastures. Those wild hogs are easily able to root huge 2-ft deep holes along very large swaths of pasture overnight. Their damage not only destroys grazing opportunities for our cattle but also causes damage to our equipment.

Thankfully I’m married to a talented hunter-husband and he helps reduce their population by hunting or trapping these hogs and we have the pork processed locally.

Our processor has many options for the pork but one of our favorites is smoked ham. Recently I made a sandwich spread from some of that delicious ham. It’s RancherMan’s favorite sandwich spread.

Have a small amount of leftover smoked ham? Don't waste it. You can eliminate food waste by making it into ham salad sandwich spread. It's easy! #TexasHomesteader

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Harvesting, Preserving & Using Fresh Thyme

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’ve discovered my favorite herb to cook with is Thyme. It’s so versatile and it adds a delicious flavor to so many different dishes. And the price of growing fresh thyme in your garden is so much less than buying it – plus it’s much fresher!

Fresh thyme in metal bowl in front of wooden birdhouse. #TexasHomesteader

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Using Vintage Kitchenware: Grandma’s CorningWare

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

For the past several years I have been mindful of the type of dishes in my kitchen. I don’t want inexpensive, cheaply-made items. I want cookware that will serve me for years.

One of the most-used items in my kitchen is my collection of CorningWare. These covered glass casserole dishes are safe to use in the oven or microwave.

And they clean up in the dishwasher. That kind of versatility works for this country girl!

I love my grandmother's vintage CorningWare covered glass casserole dishes, for the oven or microwave, and of course dishwasher safe. #TexasHomesteader

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Doing Things The Old Way With Manual Tools

 by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link

I enjoy using manual tools as much as possible. I’m not sure why, it’s just my preference to work with my hands.

Of course I’ve had an electric can opener in the past. But I got rid of it decades ago, much preferring to use a hand-held crank one instead.

I prefer a whisk to an electric mixer and I sharp knife and cutting board to a food processor. Our youngest daughter often teases me about my old-time preference.

Using manual tools and implements is slower and takes more effort on my part, but they don't use electricity so they're much more gentle on the environment. #TexasHomesteader

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Wild Game Recipe: Slow Cooker Pork Roast w/Red Wine

by Texas Homesteader~

Being the wife of a talented hunter husband, I’m often cooking wild game here on the homestead. I like to make pulled pork BBQ and I often do. And sometimes I’m using the Cook-Once, Eat Twice method of cooking so I’ll cook my pork roasts with more mainstream seasonings so I can use the leftovers in dishes such as Carnitas Tacos, Pulled-Pork Enchildas and more. But sometimes I like to make pork roast for a more formal meal.

When my talented hunter-husband 'brings home the bacon', I pull out the slow cooker and make a delicious pork roast with red wine broth. #TexasHomesteader

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Recipe: Jalapeno – Cheese Beer Buns for BBQ

by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link

I recently wrote about making some pretty darn tasty shredded pork BBQ from my talented RancherMan’s successful ‘bringing home the bacon’, as it were…

The BBQ was delicious but I decided this time I’d like to bake my own homemade buns as well.

I make jalapeno-cheese beer bread often and thought jalapeno-cheese flavored beer buns might be a fun twist for this meal.

The verdict is in: They were awesome!

I often make jalapeno cheese beer bread, so why not jalapeno cheese beer buns to go with homemade pulled pork BBQ? These are delicious! #TexasHomesteader

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Easy Tips on Stretching Your Grocery Dollars

by Texas Homesteader~ 

Everyone is looking for ways to stretch their grocery budget these days. There are numerous ways to do this including using coupons to reduce prices of the things you purchase, buying generic products, etc.

But today I’m going to talk about using the food you already have in your home.

There are several different ways I make sure to make the most out of my grocery dollar budget. It's most important to use what you've already bought! #TexasHomesteader

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