Tag Archives: frugality

Our favorite articles about frugality, saving money & budgeting posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Good Eats From Crappy Bread

by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link

I don’t know why I have such a drive against food waste. Of course no one likes to WASTE food, but it’s almost an obsession for me to make sure no food goes to waste. I never ever remember going hungry a day in my life so I don’t think it’s an emotional scar of any kind.

I know it’s good for the budget to use all the food you’ve already purchased, And I know that not buying more food to replace what you’ve had to throw away is good from an environmental standpoint too. So maybe there’s where the secret to my obsession lies.

In any case, my wheels were turning on what to do with this stale, rock-hard yet expensive artisan french bread.  I KNOW – I’ll make crostini crackers!

CROSTINI CRACKERS MADE FROM STALE BREAD - Fast & Easy with no waste! Good with hummus, dip, chili - almost anything! #TexasHomesteader Continue reading

Easy Ways To Dehydrate Celery To Reduce Food Waste

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I use celery from time to time when I’m cooking. But it’s always just an ingredient and never the main event in my kitchen.

So here’s what I do to make sure it’s all used up or preserved before it goes bad.

I've learned how to preserve celery so it's always available when I want to use it in a recipe. #TexasHomesteaderPhoto by: Ashley
(because heaven knows *I* can’t make a photograph of a bunch of celery look like it belongs in an art studio!)

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Sentimental Window Covering – Using Grandma’s Dresser Scarf

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I love to use blinds for privacy and valances to ‘dress’ the window up. But they’re so expensive! I decided to use my grandmother’s hand-tatted lace dresser scarf for one of our windows. And a different hand-made dresser scarf for another window. Sentimental window treatments!

Vintage Lace Dresser Scarf Used For Window Treatment valance, clawfoot tub #TexasHomesteader

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Peeling Very Fresh Eggs Easier

by Texas Homesteader~ 

I’m preserving or using up my fresh eggs from our pastured flock as quickly as I can.  ‘ve made breakfast burritos using eggs and cooked sausage wrapped in a tortilla & frozen for quick grab-n-go convenience.

But I still want to make sure none of our fresh eggs go to waste.

I recently made egg salad with several of them but as many of you know, boiling & peeling very fresh eggs is a challenge indeed. I was surprised that I had no trouble at all with them. Here’s how I did it: 

Trying to peel boiled eggs? Wanna know the secret of peeling VERY fresh eggs easier?? No more mangled mess! #TexasHomesteader Continue reading

Blueberry Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast

by Texas Homesteader~ 

Now that we have our own chickens, eggs are certainly not in short supply. And we also always have bread in the house since you can buy a day-old loaf of french bread very inexpensively and use it for many recipes.

Today I’m making french toast… with a twist! I decided to try to make french toast stuffed with cream cheese & blueberries.

I Topped My Blueberry Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast With Hot Homemade Apple Pie Filling. Delicious! #TexasHomesteader
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Western Soapberry Tree – Clean Clothes Naturally?

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

You’ll remember a few weeks ago I was delighted to find a very beneficial tree at an old abandoned homestead sight on property we had recently obtained.

It was identified as a Jujube TreeI picked much of the fruit from those trees and dehydrated Jujube fruit for use in my homemade Pumpkin Granola. They are absolutely delicious.

But recently RancherMan & I were checking on the cows in that remote pasture & I happened to look up and see what looked like the golden berries of a Soapberry Tree. I’d read about them before, but could it be??

Soap That Grows On Trees? I've discovered Western Soapberry Trees on our property. How exciting to think these trees provide us more natural cleaning! #TexasHomesteader
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