Optimism When It’s All Out Of Your Control

by Texas Homesteader~ 

As I’ve mentioned many times before, our area of NE Texas is currently suffering through a third consecutive year of drought. 

Like many of our neighbors we’ve been forced to feed hay to our cattle for months due to the pasture grasses burning & dying in the below-normal moisture coupled cruelly with the above-normal heat.

While nervously eyeballing the amount of hay remaining that we’ve been able to put back for those lean winter months, we’re trying to look forward in making sure we have plenty to feed our cows until spring. 

Even after being hit with these hard knocks we’re still optimistic about the small amount of moisture promised in the next few days.

Circumstances may be out of our control, but it's with a renewed sense of optimism that we look toward the next season. #TexasHomesteader Glimmer of Hope

RancherMan, seeing the small chance of rain in the forecast, began feverishly tracking down an available fertilizer buggy. But they were all already rented out due to other ranchers showing the same optimism for the rain. 

He called back later in the afternoon to see if anyone had returned one yet, no luck. The next morning he once again called to check on fertilizer buggy availability – SUCCESS!

It brings to mind the optimism shared in abundance by others in the farming/ranching industry. They have no control over what Mother Nature brings their way.

Whether it’s the floods that devastated the state of Colorado recently or the searing drought that baked us down here during that very same time frame. We react as best we can to those changing conditions.

But when it’s all said & done, many of the circumstances paramount to making our living are completely out of our control.

Even after enduring the past three brutal years it’s with a renewed sense of optimism that we look toward the next season and try to pre-act to that.

The very act of purchasing and applying that fertilizer and rye grass seed is that shining face of optimism. Optimism that the rains will come, that the seed will be good, that the fertilizer will nourish.

Circumstances may be out of our control, but it's with a renewed sense of optimism that we look toward the next season. #TexasHomesteader

RancherMan had many different locations of pastures to seed so he worked diligently and without rest to finish as fast as he could. He wanted to quickly return the buggy to the Co-Op for another optimistic rancher to use. 

Now c’mon rain!


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4 thoughts on “Optimism When It’s All Out Of Your Control

  1. Buttons

    Oh I do hope you get rain we experienced this two years ago and had to sell half our herd. It is optimism that keeps the farmer going. Come on rain. B

  2. Candy C.

    I’m always so impressed with farmers and their eternal optimism! I have my fingers crossed for a better year for ya’ll next year with the rain.

  3. victoria witte

    Hope the rain materialized for you. We got 4 inches Saturday night as a result of the front that brought all that snow to North Dakota etc. Chilly this morning in the low 40’s.

    I know how you feel about the drought. The past two years here were just hellish—-terribly hot and dry as well. Not a good combination. This year however has been almost perfect with rain spaced out all along the way, for the most part, and lots and lots of cool days to boot. Hope your coming year improves as ours did and your hay holds out.

  4. Jackie

    Good luck guys! I enjoy your blog and appreciate the frequent posts. Hope next year is stunning for you and yours.


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