Tag Archives: frugality

Our favorite articles about frugality, saving money & budgeting posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Homestead Hack: Use Residual Heat To Dehydrate

by Texas Homesteader ~
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(Note: Some links in this post are for further information from earlier posts I’ve written. But links preceded with * are affiliate links. If you click them and buy something (almost anything, not just the item noted) I could receive a small purchase. But the price you pay will NOT change. It’s an easy way to support this blog without anything coming out of your pocket. So click often! Thank you!) 

OK by now y’all know I’m a dehydrating fool!  I bought my dream appliance, an *Excalibur 9-tray dehydrator and I think I’m in love! 

I’ve put that thing through the paces, dehydrating all kinds of fruits and veggies. And I’ve even made Italian-flavored tomato leather to just roll out and plop on my homemade French-Bread Pizza. No rehydration needed! I think it’s safe to say I’ve been bitten by the dehydrating bug.

I use many dehydrated veggies in my wintertime simmering Endless Soup. And I use most of my dehydrated fruits as replacement for raisins in my Homemade Pumpkin Granola

But I’ve also been dehydrating veggies to grind and use for my own homemade powdered seasoning. I hate to pull out a large dehydrator to dehydrate such small portions, and it almost seems even my other small household model is a bit much. 

Check out today’s Homestead Hack. I’ve found a way to quickly dehydrate small amounts of food for FREE!

Homestead Hack: I make my own powdered seasoning from dried veggies. But I've found a way to dehydrate small amounts of food for FREE! #TexasHomesteader

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Cute Repurposed Denim Fabric Baskets Made From Old Jeans

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I make quick & easy denim baskets using repurposed denim from old worn jeans. You can use them as a cute country-themed part of your home’s décor or even as cute gift bags. And it takes only sewing three straight lines. If I can do it, anyone can!  

Quick & Easy Denim Baskets repurposed from old worn jeans. I don't sew well, so If *I* can do it, anyone can. So CUTE! #TexasHomesteader

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3 Ingredients For A Natural Homemade Toothpaste

by Texas Homesteader 

For the past several years I’ve been on a quest to provide more & more for myself and my family. I started out small and gained momentum as the years went by – I’ve come a long way baby! 

Now I cook from scratch almost every night and I’ve learned to make my own Homemade Yogurt and homemade desserts. I’ve learned to make my own Flavored Mayonnaise and simple homemade cleaners. 

But what about toothpaste, can I do something there? Hummm…

3 SIMPLE INGREDIENTS FOR HOMEMADE TOOTHPASTE - I try to provide things for myself so I'm making toothpaste using simple pantry ingredients #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make Rice More Flavorful With FREE Vegetable Broth!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I make rice often. It’s inexpensive and lends itself to many different flavors of almost any meal. But I’ve found a way to make rice even more flavorful and nutritious versus cooking it in plain water. And it’s FREE!

Use Whatcha Got is what I always say! Check out this Homestead Hack. 

've discovered an easy way to really intensify the flavor of rice when I prepare it. Check out this Homestead Hack! #TexasHomesteader Continue reading

Mother Earth News Post: Food Waste

by Texas Homesteader~ 

Food waste – it’s everywhere! From culls in the grower’s field due to produce that’s the wrong size or shape, to transportation losses, to losses in the grocery store. 

And yes, even once that hard-earned money has been plunked down by the consumer to purchase that food, way too much ends up in the trash. But there are many ways to combat food waste.

For instance, many times edible food is thrown into dumpsters by the ton for fear of litigation if a donation were to unknowingly cause someone to get sick. But did you know there is legal protection for those who donate edible food in good faith?

That and many more food waste reduction ideas are listed on my article written for the Mother Earth News, check it out.

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Homestead Hack: Obtaining Inexpensive Spray Bottles

by Texas Homesteader 

Recently RancherMan & I needed a spray bottle to fill with iodine for our cattle from time to time, such as newborn calves’ umbilical cords, etc. 

I hated to spend the money on a small lightweight spray bottle. But I found a trick to getting better spray bottles for cheaper. Check out this clever Homestead Hack for saving a few bucks if you find yourself in the same position…

Obtaining Cheap Spray Bottles - Check out this clever Homestead Hack for saving a few bucks if you ever need to purchase an empty spray bottle #TexasHomesteader

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Heat-Free Peeling for Fresh Tomatoes

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I needed a heat-free way to peel fresh garden tomatoes. I already knew that the standard way to peel a fresh garden tomato is to dip it in boiling for a few seconds until the skin splits, then plunge into an ice bath before peeling.

But a typical summer here in NE Texas involves much heat & humidity and I don’t want to add any of that to our home. What’s a southern gardener to do?

HEAT-FREE Peeling For Fresh Tomatoes - I don't want to add heat and humidity to our home. What's a southern gardener to do? Check out this Homestead Hack #TexasHomesteader

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