Tag Archives: cooking

Our favorite posts on cooking posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Pre-Cook Your Turkey So You Can Enjoy The Holiday TOO!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Serve that traditional meal at your family holiday gathering including a tender, juicy roasted turkey. But don’t be shackled to the kitchen jumbling messy greasy turkey cooking pans instead of enjoying the holiday with your family!

Can you roast turkey beforehand and freeze? How long does it take to thaw a turkey? What temperature do you use to cook it? What seasonings do you use? How do you thaw and reheat?

All of these questions and more are answered here!

Instead of being stuck in the kitchen roasting a holiday turkey and wrestling greasy pans, see how I significantly simplify the holidays! #TexasHomesteader

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Simple Homemade Pumpkin Granola Recipe Replaces Boxes of Commercial Cereal

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

This Pumpkin Granola recipe is inexpensive, adaptable to tastes, delicious & SO EASY to make!! 

Homemade granola is a more natural cereal option than the boxes of commercial stuff on the store shelves. Check out my easy recipe. 

A more natural cereal option than the boxes on the store shelves. This Pumpkin Granola Is Inexpensive, Delicious & SO EASY To Make!! #TexasHomesteader

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A Surprising Zucchini Substitute Option

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Did you know that young, tender luffa is actually edible??!! Yep, it’s a delicious, tender, and surprisingly pest-free substitute for zucchini in the garden. 

That’s right, if you harvest your young luffa when they’re only about 5” long they’re very similar in taste and texture to a zucchini squash. No, really!

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Easy Homemade Applesauce A Delicious Zero-Waste Treat

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Applesauce is a staple in my Homestead kitchen. But even though I use it often I don’t buy it, oh no! It’s super easy and nearly effortless to make your own applesauce.

And the lowly slow cooker makes it so easy too. Check it out!

EASY HOMEMADE SLOW-COOKER APPLESAUCE recipe - it's easy to make homemade applesauce with fresh apples! #TexasHomesteader

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Recipe: Easy 3-Ingredient Homemade Pasta

by Texas Homesteader ~ 
*contains affiliate link

Have you ever made your own homemade pasta? It’s heartier than the pasta you buy in the store. I’ve discovered just exactly how easy it is to make homemade pasta from scratch. Other than water there are only 3 ingredients in my pasta recipe:

Flour, Egg & Salt.

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Proper Care For Non-Stick Cast-Iron Cookware Is Simple

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

 Although cleaning and caring for cast iron is somewhat different than other materials, it’s not hard nor complicated.

A few simple tricks will keep your cast iron rust free, virtually non stick and ready to serve you well for decades.

See a few tips to keep your cast iron cookware perfectly seasoned, rust free and virtually NON-STICK! #TexasHomesteader

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