Tag Archives: weather

Weather tag for posts at www.TexasHomesteader.com, a blog about Homesteading in Northeast Texas. #TexasHomesteader

Make Hay While The Sun Shines

by Texas Homesteader

There’s an old saying: “Make hay while the sun shines”. Although you can’t control the weather, it’s important when you work outside for a living to work as closely in tune with nature as you can.

When I worked in a corporate environment in the city my days were much the same.  Get up, get dressed, drive to work – sit at a desk all day long, come home, LIVE LIFE.  (Shower/Sleep/Repeat).

Now that my days are filled with ranch duties workdays are not only much longer since we work weekends and holidays, they’re less comfortable since there’s no climate control in the pastures, and they’re infinitely more fulfilling since I LOVE what I do!

Make hay while the sun shines. Days and times on a Texas ranch. #TexasHomesteader

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The ponds are filling fast

After a drought, the ponds are filling fast. #TexasHomesteader

One of the most exciting effects of the rain last week… a full pond. You don’t realize how much you really, REALLY appreciate something until it’s taken away! The first year of drought to hit us here in NE Texas was the brutal summer of 2011. Many Texans experienced the hardship of withering forage and drying ponds. One of our ponds here ran completely dry.

Being the eternal optimist that we are, we used this time to have the ponds reworked and the dry pond deepened, knowing that would make more water available in the coming years. But sadly 2012 was a drought year as well, one that gripped much of the US. We’re thankful for the moisture we’ve received recently to both replenish our ponds as well as help our winter pastures. Here’s hoping all of you have ample water as well.


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C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Snow On The Homestead

~TxH~ C’mon by & sit a spell! Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea. There are lots of good folks sharing! And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram If you’d like to receive an email when a new blog post goes live, subscribe to our Blog!

Wow what a surprise this morning! You’ve just got to love Texas weather, it can change in an instant. We love any moisture falling on our pastures but what a pretty way to get it.

~TxH~ C’mon by & sit a spell! Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea. There are lots of good folks sharing! And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram If you’d like to receive an email when a new blog post goes live, subscribe to our Blog!

It was pretty exciting that this shot was shown on the NBC DFW Channel 5 Facebook page – they even changed their Facebook banner to our picture of the cows at the hay ring and gave our Facebook page a shout-out!

We also received a shout-out from Channel 8 on their noon newscast when they showed our photo as well.

And finally, we received the Picture of The Week designation for this shot from KXII Channel 12 News.  What an exciting day at our homestead!


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C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Baby It’s Cold Outside


Gotta love weather in Texas, it can change in a moment! It’s been warm & sunny all week but very cold and damp today – the low for the next 3 days will be in the mid 30’s. Bbbbrrrrr… Good thing we’re well prepared with plenty of firewood, lots of hot tea and some hearty beef stew. Y’all stay warm!


C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Baby It’s Cold Outside


Cold weather's coming! Good thing we're well prepared with plenty of firewood, lots of hot tea and some hearty beef stew. Y'all stay warm! #TexasHomesteader

Gotta love weather in Texas, it can change in a moment! It’s been warm & sunny all week but very cold and damp today – the low for the next 3 days will be in the mid 30’s. Bbbbrrrrr… Good thing we’re well prepared with plenty of firewood, lots of hot tea and some hearty beef stew. Y’all stay warm!


C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Fall Color Beauty – Changing Leaves

Fall Beauty. There's always time to stop for a moment and enjoy the beauty around us. Fall is busy putting on her prettiest dress, take time to enjoy your view today! #TexasHomesteader

Now that our little A.I. calf has finally made his appearance, we’re trying to prepare for winter. The hay supplies have been stored, the winter pasture has been planted / fertilized and the cattle are being rotated through the pastures to… fully utilize the last of the summer grasses. But there’s always time to stop for a moment and enjoy the beauty around us. Fall is busy putting on her prettiest dress, take time to enjoy your view today!


C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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