Tag Archives: dehydrating

Our favorite articles about dehydrating and preserving food posted on TexasHomesteader.com

4-Ingredient Cotton Candy Meringue Cookies – Egg Free, Dairy Fee & Gluten Free!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

This Egg-Free Meringue Cookie Recipe uses only 4 ingredients – sugar, lemon juice, vanilla extract & substituting aquafaba in place of egg whites.

You can either use the sweetened whipped mixture as egg-free meringue for desserts or dollop them onto lined trays and dry them into delicious and airy meringue cookies. 

Aquafaba egg-free meringue cookies flavored with pink strawberry extract. #TexasHomesteader

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Top 10 Self-Sufficiency Posts of 2021

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Are you wondering what our most popular posts of 2021 were? Well it was everything from easier homemade recipes to gardening tips to saving money and MUCH MORE.

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in for some good reading, y’all. I’m sharing the best of the best!

2021 Best Homesteading Posts Self sufficiency, save money, DIY #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make Homemade Jerky Strips & Snack Sticks

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

It’s surprisingly easy to make Homemade Jerky using a mixture of ground meat, seasonings and ‘cure’. You can use either ground meat or strips of steak to make jerky. We particularly enjoy making  wild-game jerky using venison and elk.

Homemade jerky made easy using ground beef or wild game meat #TexasHomesteader

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Dehydrating Cubed Potatoes For Preparedness Food Storage

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I always have a couple of jars of dehydrated cubed potatoes in my pantry. From a preparedness standpoint I love to have dehydrated food available.

Jars of dehydrated food aren’t dependent upon electricity to keep them preserved like when storing food in a freezer. Dehydrating cubed potatoes for the pantry, an easy way to preserve the excess! A Mother Earth News post. #TexasHomesteader

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My Fresh Herb-Drying Setup – No Dehydrator Or Energy Required!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Using home-grown herbs elevates the flavor of any dish – the fresher the herb, the more intense the flavor!

The final harvest of all my fresh herbs from the garden happens just before the first killing frost of the season. Then I preserve them to use all year long.

I’ll show you the simple way I dry lots of fresh herbs with no dehydrator or even electricity needed. 

Herb drying doesn't need to take any energy or special appliances. Come see my herb-drying setup. #TexasHomesteader

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