A Day On The Homestead: Continued Stay-Home Edition

by Texas Homesteader ~ 
*contains affiliate link

Texas is starting to loosen its shelter-in-place recommendations. But RancherMan & I are not comfortable mingling among the masses just yet. Not even using proper social distancing procedures. So we’re still tucked in at our Homestead.

Luckily since we live & work right here, that’s not too far from our typical day anyway. Come see what a day at the Homestead looks like even during these shelter-in-place times.

Come with me for a day on the homestead. This day is filled with planning for our cattle, gardening, chickens and harvesting honey #TexasHomesteader

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Arrowhead Cross Collage In A Distressed White Painted Shadow Box Frame

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I made a cross collage using arrowheads. It was placed in a shadowbox frame that was previously just an old (and ugly) repurposed key box. The wood frame was painted white and lightly sanded to distress the finish just a touch. I love the way it turned out!

I made this sentimental gift for my mother using just what we had at the house. I designed an arrowhead cross to go into a frame that was painted & distressed #TexasHomesteader

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Different Flavors Dress Up Plain Pinto Beans

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I cook a large amount of dried pinto beans at one time. Then I portion out and flavor them in several different ways. It’s fast because the beans have already been cooked. And we enjoy lots of variety for different meals too!

I cooked a whole 2-lb bag of dry pinto beans in my Instant Pot. But we enjoyed them several different ways so we never got bored. #TexasHomesteader

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5 Frugal Things – Shelter-In-Place Edition

by Texas Homesteader ~

I’ve always had an environmental bend. Being gentle on Mother Earth has just been a part of me for as long as I can remember. But the beautiful thing is, oftentimes those same eco-friendly moves can save some cold, hard cash too.

And so many people right now are doing all they can to be mindful with their money in these uncertain times. So I thought it would be fun to share 5 frugal things we did this week to save money (and the environment!)

Come see 5 frugal things we did at our homestead to save the environment and some cold hard cash too during this self isolation period. #TexasHomesteader

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Veggie Garden Update: April Weather Challenge

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’ve always heard in our area of NE Texas (planting zone 8) that you don’t dare plant until after Easter because a rogue frost can still swing through & kill your tender plants. Oh my goodness it was so hard for me to wait! So to pacify my need to garden I planted up my Indoor Greenhouse weeks ago. As I watched those tiny seedlings sprout I just got more excited.

Then I sat back & waited (im)patiently for Easter. Then the big day arrived, FINALLY I was able to plant – woo-hoo! Here is my April veggie garden update:

I waited (im)patiently for Easter so I could finally plant. The weather has been a challenge. Here is my April veggie garden update! #TexasHomesteader

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