Air Fryer Crispy Fried Chicken Recipe – Healthier Fried Chicken Without All The Fat!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I love fried chicken. What I don’t love is the added fat caused by all that soaked-in oil, or cleaning the grease-splattered mess left on my stove. 

But now I use my Air Fryer to make healthier fried chicken without all that grease, y’all. Just a single tiny teaspoon of olive oil! And it cooks up fast too.  

Air fryer fried chicken is healthier than traditional fried chicken with much less fat & calories. #TexasHomesteader

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Things I No Longer Buy At The Store To Save Money & The Environment

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

There are many things that I no longer buy at the store such as cleaners, convenience mixes, garbage bags, paper goods, etc. I’m typically able to make do (quite nicely, actually) with what I already have here at home.

I’ve found it just took looking at things in a different way. Come see what I no longer buy at the store.

Things I no longer buy at the store - trash bags, cleaners, mixes, etc. #TexasHomesteader

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Beat The Heat With Summer Cooking – Keeping Your Cool In The Kitchen!

 by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Beat the heat! I’m sharing a few tricks to summer cooking without adding extra heat & humidity to our home. I’ve included cooler food choices, better slow cooker methods, outdoor grilling ideas, solar cooking options and MORE!  

I'm sharing tips for keeping your cool in the kitchen during the hot summer months. #TexasHomesteader

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