Tag Archives: self sufficiency

Our favorite articles about simple living and self sufficiency & preparedness posted on TexasHomesteader.com

My Journey May Not Be Your Journey – And That’s OK!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

It’s so puzzling to me – visitors often apologize profusely for not being as environmentally sensitive as I try to be. WHY??! My journey may not be the same as your journey – and that’s OK!  

We all have causes we're passionate about. But my journey might not be your journey. Wanna know a secret? That's OK! #TexasHomesteader

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Summer Cooking: Savory Meatloaf Recipe (Includes Solar Cooking Option)

by Texas Homesteader ~ 
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Meatloaf is a versatile comfort food and we enjoy it often. It’s a flexible recipe and you can use crumbled leftover meatloaf in many dishes on subsequent nights to get supper on the table FAST! 

I'm cooking up our favorite comfort food - meatloaf! I'm using my solar oven to cook it but the recipe includes standard oven directions too #TexasHomesteader

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Solar Cooking: Hard-Boiled Eggs In The Solar Oven

by Texas Homesteader ~
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I love my solar oven. I’ve said it time & time again, I hate to fire up my electric oven during the heat & humidity of our Texas summers.

Not only does it cost fuel for the stove to operate, but boiling eggs adds even more heat inside our home. That requires our air conditioning to work overtime cooling it back down, therefore costing even more money.

Several years ago I bought a solar oven and I absolutely love it! What a great item in your Emergency Preparedness toolbox!

Then at a Mother Earth News Fair I attended a few years ago, a solar-cooking seminar presenter told us how easy it was to cook ‘hard-boiled’ whole eggs in the solar oven without even using water. Color me intrigued!

Solar-Cooking Eggs. I'm hearing that you can BAKE your eggs instead of boiling them. I decided to give it a try in my solar oven. Check it out. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Eat Your Compost BEFORE It’s Compost! Becoming A Food Waste Ninja…

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Have you ever thought about eating your compost to eliminate food waste?

Stay with me now, I’m not suggesting that you rifle through the compost heap and snack on its contents. Come see ways I’ve saved food previously destined for the compost pile. 

Can you actually EAT your compost? Stay with me now, I'm not saying you should eat the contents of your compost bucket. But there's LOTS of food you can make with scraps you'd previously just toss in the composter. Come see my favorite tips. #TexasHomesteader

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New To Composting? Don’t Worry, Compost Doesn’t Stink!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Any gardener knows that compost is ‘Black Gold‘. But for those just starting out, there’s often some hesitation.

You’re rotting things in a pile, doesn’t that stink?

The answer is: No! 

Well actually, yes and no – the result depends on you. Don’t worry, it’s easy to make compost that smells only like rich planting soil!

For those starting out with composting there's some hesitation. You're rotting things in a pile, doesn't that stink? The answer is: NO! #TexasHomesteader

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Grandma-Approved Cleaning Techniques For A Cozy Home

by Texas Homesteader ~

Life is busy & days seem so crammed that many people struggle to keep a tidy house. But maybe there’s an easier way. We can learn to clean like grandma did.

I’m nowhere the housekeeper grandma was, but here are a few things we do here on our Homestead that grandma would surely approve of…

Why have we complicated cleaning? Here are a few cleaning techniques at our Homestead that grandma would surely approve of. #TexasHomesteader

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Emergency Preparedness: Solar Oven & FREE Amazon Prime

by Texas Homesteader ~ 
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Emergency preparedness for any situation is a good thing in my book. I especially plan about how to keep our homestead going when we lose electricity. 

When natural disaster hits & electricity is out, a solar oven can help keep your family fed. What is your emergency preparedness plan?

Don't wait for a natural disaster, make a solar oven part of your preparedness kit now! #TexasHomesteader

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