Tag Archives: frugality

Our favorite articles about frugality, saving money & budgeting posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Using Natural SOAPBERRIES For Your Laundry

by Texas Homesteader
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This past fall I was so thrilled when I suspected that our remote-pasture property contained Soapberry Trees. I excitedly harvested a few berries and took pictures of the berries, the tree, the bark. I submitted those pictures to my local Extension Agent for identification.

Her response was that these trees were indeed the Western Soapberry Tree. Meaning that these berries actually contain soponin – a soapy substance used by early settlers for cleaning, laundry, etc. I dried the berries and have been using them in my laundry, comparing it to the more common soap nuts which I’ve purchased and used before from * Amazon.  I’m very pleased with the results.

Read Our Experience Using Natural SOAPBERRIES For Environmentally-Friendly Cleaning Of Our Laundry #TexasHomesteader

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Save Time & Money With ‘Cook Once, Eat Twice’ Method Of Cooking

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

“COOK ONCE EAT TWICE” method of cooking means homemade meals are a snap to enjoy now & freeze some for later, and less cleanup too!

The idea is simple – cook LOTS of a specific main entrée and enjoy it at mealtime that day. Then portion out & freeze the rest for quick meals later.

It’s been a game-changer for me.

Cook-Once, Eat-Twice method of cooking is simple - cook many servings of a main entrée and freeze extras for ready-made meals later. #TexasHomesteader

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No-Sew Upcycled Fingerless Gloves / Hand Warmers

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I wanted fingerless gloves, but I wanted to make them myself. In 5 minutes I was able to upcycle long socks into oh-so-cute fingerless gloves with NO SEWING! See this easy tutorial. 

In 5 minutes I was able to upcycle long socks into fingerless gloves with NO SEWING! See this easy tutorial. #TexasHomesteader

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Reducing Waste In The Kitchen (part II)

by Texas Homesteader 

Last week I shared five ways to reduce waste in your kitchen. Today I’ll share five MORE things  RancherMan & I have done to reduce our kitchen waste enough to help eliminate weekly trash pickup.

Don’t worry, they’re all easy. Hey, I’m all about making things easy!

There are so many ways to reduce waste in your kitchen to make a huge impact in reducing the amount of landfill trash spilling from your home! #TexasHomesteader

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Homemade Mint Chocolate Oreo Truffles

by Texas Homesteader~ 

RancherMan & I have a Valentine’s Day tradition: we get together in the kitchen & make a special dinner for each other.

It’s a way for us to focus fully on each other & give a gift straight from the heart. For this special meal, money is no object. And the sky is the limit for our meal choices when we’re planning it.

Usually we decide together what the meal will be & we get in the kitchen together & make the planned culinary delight side-by-side.

But when we were planning what would be our Valentine’s meal this year I told RancherMan that he could choose the entrée – anything in the world he wanted.

All I cared for was the dessert. I wanted chocolate, and I wanted that chocolate to be TRUFFLES.

To show me his love, RancherMan made homemade Mint Chocolate Oreo Truffles for my Valentine's Day gift. They were delicious! Check out our recipe. #TexasHomesteader

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MYO Dishwasher Tabs – Quick & Cheap!

by Texas Homesteader
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I recently became extremely disenchanted with my crappy low-end dishwasher.  I mean, why must we wash our dishes THREE times? Once BEFORE putting the in the dishwasher, once during the dishwasher’s many cycles and then once again when you pull the still-dirty dishes from the dishwasher! It would be easier to hand-wash the dishes but it was the principle of the thing. We have a dishwasher, we fill it with name-brand detergent and it just doesn’t clean the dishes.

Then right before buckling and replacing the dishwasher we were told to try dishwasher tabs instead of powder. I had always shunned them because they are so exorbitantly expensive. But upon trying them I was convinced. Our dishes came out clean, but oh at what expense?

Not only were they pricey but these dish-washing tab products had individually wrapped tabs that are tucked into a plastic molded tray, then placed inside a foil-covered cardboard box and then the whole thing plastic wrapped again. There has to be a better way both financially & environmentally!  Hummm…  Wonder if I can make my own dishwasher tabs?  Um, YES!

4-INGREDIENT HOMEMADE DISHWASHER TABS - I hate the amount of trash that's included with commercial dishwasher tabs. Make it yourself and SAVE! #TexasHomesteader

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Zero-Waste Microwave Popcorn – A Sustainable Snacking Solution

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

RancherMan & I enjoy microwave popcorn. But although those little 3-pack boxes we used to buy at the store were cheap, they were packed with not only the box but individual plastic wrappings and all those weird crinkly popcorn bags of trash. And didn’t I read that those bags had harmful chemicals?

Is there any way to enjoy it without all that trash? As a matter of fact there IS!

How I make zero waste healthy popcorn glass bowl microwave-safe plate. #TexasHomesteader

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