Tag Archives: zero waste living

All our favorite articles about living an eco friendly lifestyle with zero-waste tips posted on TexasHomesteader.com

MYO Nutritious Turkey Broth Inexpensively

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

After the turkey has been roasted and enjoyed, there’s still lots of food waiting to be enjoyed just by using the bones. I’ll make cheap, delicious and healthy broth with them. A money saver for sure. 

My method takes the leftovers after you enjoy your meal (the bones) and turns them into inexpensive nutritious turkey broth. Win/Win! #TexasHomesteader

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How To Reduce or Eliminate Gift-Wrap Waste This Christmas

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Years ago I started exploring a more eco-friendly way wrap gifts. You know, one where we could still enjoy the festivity and fun colors but could also be easier on the environment (and our budget!)

Every household is different but here’s what we do. It works beautifully for us.

Less Waste Wrapping. There are easy ways to reduce the landfill-bound trash after Christmas is over. See what works for us! #TexasHomesteader
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Easy Ways To Dehydrate Celery To Reduce Food Waste

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I use celery from time to time when I’m cooking. But it’s always just an ingredient and never the main event in my kitchen.

So here’s what I do to make sure it’s all used up or preserved before it goes bad.

I've learned how to preserve celery so it's always available when I want to use it in a recipe. #TexasHomesteaderPhoto by: Ashley
(because heaven knows *I* can’t make a photograph of a bunch of celery look like it belongs in an art studio!)

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Sentimental Window Covering – Using Grandma’s Dresser Scarf

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I love to use blinds for privacy and valances to ‘dress’ the window up. But they’re so expensive! I decided to use my grandmother’s hand-tatted lace dresser scarf for one of our windows. And a different hand-made dresser scarf for another window. Sentimental window treatments!

Vintage Lace Dresser Scarf Used For Window Treatment valance, clawfoot tub #TexasHomesteader

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Unleash The Sun’s Energy: How To Use FREE Sunshine Instead Of Kitchen Appliances

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Summer months in Texas are hot & humid that’s for sure. So I’m employing tactics to use FREE solar energy to replace some of my kitchen cooking to keep that cooking heat outside where it belongs. Things such as outside sun tea, dehydrating produce or even solar cooking! 

There are many ways to use FREE solar energy to replace your kitchen cooking. Sun Tea, Dehydrating Or Solar Cooking! #TexasHomesteader Continue reading

Recipe: MYO Flavored Mayonnaise

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’ve made our mayonnaise from scratch for years. An egg, some oil, lemon juice and salt is all it takes.

But RancherMan also sometimes asks me to flavor it with garlic for even more flavor. There’s so much flexibility when you’re making it yourself.

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