Tag Archives: zero waste living

All our favorite articles about living an eco friendly lifestyle with zero-waste tips posted on TexasHomesteader.com

How To Make Rice More Flavorful With FREE Vegetable Broth!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I make rice often. It’s inexpensive and lends itself to many different flavors of almost any meal. But I’ve found a way to make rice even more flavorful and nutritious versus cooking it in plain water. And it’s FREE!

Use Whatcha Got is what I always say! Check out this Homestead Hack. 

've discovered an easy way to really intensify the flavor of rice when I prepare it. Check out this Homestead Hack! #TexasHomesteader Continue reading

Our Low-Waste Morning Coffee

by Texas Homesteader~ 
* includes affiliate link

It seems these days making coffee involves all kinds of non-recyclable trash! But RancherMan & I enjoy the more simple brewing offered by our vintage percolator.

We think it offers an exceptional cup of coffee. And there are several reasons why we prefer it over the fancy-schmancy newfangled ones of today:

We think our vintage percolator offers an exceptional cup of coffee. There are many reasons we prefer it over the newfangled ones of today #TexasHomesteader

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Preserving The Harvest: Canning Asparagus

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I grow asparagus in my garden each spring. But even if you’re buying it, asparagus is both fresher and less expensive when it’s in season. Wouldn’t you love to enjoy fresh asparagus throughout the year? Me too!

So I decided to preserve my fresh asparagus by canning it!

Canning Asparagus. I found a great deal on asparagus. I'd love to enjoy fresh asparagus throughout the year so I decided to can it! #TexasHomesteader

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3 Ingredient Homemade Rosemary-Scented Hairspray

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Recently I ran out of hairspray and decided to quickly whip up another batch. I mean why not, it only contains 3 ingredients and uses a repurposed spray bottle. Come see how ridiculously easy (and CHEAP it is to make your own hairspray with 3 common household ingredients.

Homemade Hairspray using ordinary ingredients. See my method for making hairspray using a repurposed hairspray bottle. #TexasHomesteader
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