Tag Archives: vegetables

All our favorite articles about growing, serving and preserving vegetables posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Fast Food: Remaking Leftover Steak & Veggies

by Texas Homesteader ~

Keeping the grocery budget low & eliminating waste is important in our household. Oftentimes that means Planned Leftovers. But sometimes it’s just making Fast Food by reworking leftovers into a brand new dish.

When it’s time to plan a meal I typically look at what I have to be used and build a meal around those things. That way there’s no food waste. And if I’m using leftovers, the bulk of the meal has already been cooked. All that’s left is to do is to think outside the box and use a little leftover magic. Bibbidy-Bobbidy-BOO – let’s see what we can do!

What do you do with leftover steak? Come see my Fast-Food solution of making a new dinner of beef tips & noodles with those leftovers. #TexasHomesteader

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Preserving The Harvest: Dehydrating Carrots

by Texas Homesteader ~
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I was given a boatload of fresh carrots recently and I didn’t want them to go to waste. Now I’ve written before about turning ugly carrots into beautiful carrots by chopping misshapen carrots into prettier more uniform pieces.  

In the past I’d dehydrated them using my small household-sized dehydrator. But now I have a 9-tray Excalibur dehydrator. I can really do some damage to that mountain of carrots now! Come see what I did.

I was recently given way too many carrots to eat before they went bad. So I dehydrated them, now I have lots for winter enjoyment. #TexasHomesteader

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Making Low-Carb Veggie Noodles, ZOODLES!

by Texas Homesteader ~
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I’ve heard about it for years, using squash in the place of high-carb pasta noodles. Some people eat spaghetti squash as a low-carb noodle substitute. 

But I’ve found for us it’s best to eat spaghetti squash just as a fun-shaped squash. To me the taste is nothing like pasta. (I do have a delicious Cheesy Spaghetti-Squash dish we enjoy.)

Other people swear by making spiral-type noodles using fresh vegetables. Supposedly it’s a more realistic way to enjoy a noodle-shaped vegetable in the place of pasta. My garden produced so much zucchini I really wanted to give the spiral-noodle thingee a try.

There are  various contraptions made to cut your squash into noodles and I decided on the Veggetti. 

Making ZOODLES! Veggetti got the highest recommendations from my FB followers. So I bought one to make low-carb noodles 'Zoodles'. See how I make 'em! #TexasHomesteader

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Texas Heat Superstar: Growing Malabar Spinach

by Texas Homesteader ~
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I love fresh spinach & I’m sure to plant it every year in my edible landscape garden. It’s beautiful, leafy-green and makes a lovely border. 

Oh, and you can EAT it! What’s not to love??!

But in our part of NE Texas the window of opportunity in enjoying fresh spinach is short. In no time our spinach bolts and becomes bitter. 

But I’ve recently been introduced to a completely different kind of spinach. One that grows vigorously in a vine. In the heat!

Malabar spinach!

Dark-green heart-shaped leaves that grow in a vine even in the Texas summer heat. Beauty, edibility and heat-loving staying power. #TexasHomesteader

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Homestead Hack: Free Vegetable Broth!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I like to use broth for my cooking. Let’s face it – no matter what you’re cooking it’s just more flavorful when it’s made with broth instead of water. 

Want to know how I get vegetable broth for FREE? Check out this ridiculously-easy Homestead Hack…

I save nutritious vegetable broth that was previously wasted and use it for something I used to have to make myself or purchase. #TexasHomesteader

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One Quart At A Time: Homemade Refrigerator Sweet Pickles Recipe

by Texas Homesteader ~
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This recipe for lightly sweet and crisp sweet pickles can be made one quart at a time. Perfect since the garden doesn’t always crank out those fresh cucumbers at the same rate. And this sweet pickle recipe is so simple anyone can do it!

One Quart Refrigerator Sweet Pickle Recipe. Lightly sweet and crisp, this recipe is good for a single quart jar at a time! #TexasHomesteader

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