What if you could have a beautiful landscaped flowerbed in front of your home and harvest fresh healthy food from it too? I’ll give you tips on how to plant a gorgeous yet edible garden right in front of your home for all to see!
You can easily grow stevia in your home’s edible landscape. Then you harvest the leaves to make your own home-grown sweetener. I’m sharing how to harvest, preserve & use Stevia.
Using home-grown herbs elevates the flavor of any dish – the fresher the herb, the more intense the flavor!
The final harvest of all my fresh herbs from the garden happens just before the first killing frost of the season. Then I preserve them to use all year long.
I’ll show you the simple way I dry lots of fresh herbs with no dehydrator or even electricity needed.
Rosemary Rice is a favorite in my homestead kitchen. I used homemade broth & fresh rosemary growing in my garden to make this quick & simple rice recipe.
During the brutal heat of a Texas summer I like to serve cooler food that doesn’t require much time in the kitchen. This pasta salad is super-fast with Herb-Bombs!
I like to use fresh herbs from my garden as often as I can. I’d heard of freezing a mixture of herbs with olive oil into a cube. Herb bombs!
Even though the terrible weather & grasshopper damage has all but ruined my chances of harvesting anything, there has been a ray of sunshine in my gardening endeavors this year. My edible landscape!
I’ve had many herbs such as rosemary, thyme, sage and basil survive the weather and the grasshoppers.
I’d heard before about making ‘Flavor Bombs’ from various herbs and olive oil, so I figured I’d give it a try. Turns out I really like them!