Tag Archives: frugality

Our favorite articles about frugality, saving money & budgeting posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Broken Item? Don’t Throw It Away, Repair It For CHEAP!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Do you ever wonder if it’s worth the effort to repair something instead of just chunking it away and buying a new one?

Recently I was quickly running an iron over the fabric to press the wrinkles out of a blouse and I noticed that the iron wasn’t getting as hot as it should. I further noticed the cord was a little worn.

Now I realize an iron isn’t very expensive. But I hate the thought of throwing away one thing so I can buy the very same thing to replace it.

So I asked RancherMan to repair my iron for me. Oh yeah, RancherMan is the king of repairs around our Homestead! 

It's easy to throw out your worn whatsit and buy another one, but it's more environmentally friendly to fix it. Thankfully it's easy & inexpensive too! #TexasHomesteader

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Valentine’s Day Romance Without Breaking The Bank

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Aaaaahhhh… L’amore, Valentine’s Day is almost upon us.

I love Valentine’s Day, it’s a special day to show that special someone just how much they mean to you. See how RancherMan & I celebrate this special day to make it more special but without the burden of perceived obligation & expense.

VALENTINES DAY: MEANINGFUL BUT NOT EXPENSIVE! See how RancherMan & I celebrate this special day to keep it special without the expense. #TexasHomesteader

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Tips For Using What You’ve Already Got To Save Money & The Environment

by Texas Homesteader ~  

Repurposing things to new life is one of my superpowers. I’m often able to fill a need (quite nicely) using what I already have at home. And you can too!

I’m sharing a whole list of ideas below. Check it out! 

Repurposing what you have to new uses saves money and the environment. #TexasHomesteader

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MYO Inexpensive Citrus-Scented Cleaner

by Texas Homesteader 

I like to use the most non-toxic products when I clean, so I often make my own. Luckily it’s super easy (and super inexpensive) to make your own cleaners. One of the most common standbys for me is plain distilled vinegar. So inexpensive and such a great cleaner. And I’ve read that its acidity makes it effective at killing many kinds of bacteria and molds. Plus it’s also a great deodorizer.

But RancherMan’s not fond of the smell of vinegar so I typically scent it with something natural. I’ve used rosemary to scent it for my Rosemary-Scented Hair Rinse. But today I’m making it citrus scented for cleaning.

MYO CHEAP CITRUS-SCENTED CLEANER - Vinegar's acidity makes it effective at killing many kinds of bacteria & it's a great deodorizer. #TexasHomesteader

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Homemade Dehydrated Veggie Granules

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Last season I was trying to preserve as much garden excess as I could. I hated for any of it to go to waste. So we ate fresh from the garden every day, then I shared with family, friends & community. Then I preserved as much as I could either by freezing, canning or dehydrating.

You could say I was bitten by the dehydrating bug because the more I dehydrated those veggies the more enamored I became with the whole process. I was amazed at the small amount of space my dehydrated shredded potatoes took up in the pantry. I loved my dehydrated jujubes sprinkled in my homemade granola. I really enjoyed tossing dehydrated garden veggies into my never-ending soup. But now I’m experimenting with yet another way to use them. Salt-free veggie granules. OH YEAH!

Dehydrated Vegetable Granules made into bouillon utilize garden produce & provide a delicious, nutritious product for my family. #TexasHomesteader

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How Homemade Is It?

by  Texas Homesteader 

I like to cook from scratch whenever possible, and sometimes I have a little game I play that I’ll call “How Homemade IS It??” Is it homemade in that I assembled the ingredients myself? That I grew the ingredients myself? That I even made the condiments myself?

Now let me make myself perfectly clear here lest some of you get the very mistaken idea that I’m a Kitchen Wonder Woman who only uses her own home-churned butter & homemade bread. Although I enjoy growing or making from scratch as much of our food as I can, it’s not like I always prepare a completely from-scratch meal. And there are certainly convenience foods that play a part in my kitchen because for me it’s all about moderation. But every now & then it’s fun to play this game.

So pull up a chair & let’s play the latest edition of the Texas Homesteader game: HOW HOMEMADE IS IT??

Join me in this fun game I play in my kitchen to lower my grocery budget: 'Homemade Cooking: How Homemade *IS* It??' #TexasHomesteader
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