Tag Archives: frugality

Our favorite articles about frugality, saving money & budgeting posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Grocery No-Spend Challenge: FINAL WEEK!!

by Texas Homesteader~
*includes affiliate link

WHEW, what a month it’s been! Y’all know RancherMan & I embarked on an entire month-long Grocery No-Spend Challenge. It was a rigid challenge, allowing for no purchases whatsoever on anything grocery related which included dining out, beverages and herbs, etc.

Week One wasn’t bad at all. Our pantry & freezers were full so there really wasn’t much change to our routines. 

Week Two had a few catches but it was still easily workable.

By the time we got to Week Three was a little more of a challenge and we had to make several compromises. But by then I’d pretty much hit my stride. Plus we had our eye on the end of the month, so our motivation was still pretty high which helped a lot.

But how about that last week? Read on, dear friends.

30-DAY GROCERY NO-SPEND CHALLENGE! No money spent on food for a full month - see how we survived our FINAL WEEK! Tips & recipes included #TexasHomesteader

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Grocery No-Spend Challenge: WEEK 3!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

WHEW – things are getting interesting! RancherMan & I have embarked on a month-long grocery no-spend challenge.

Although we didn’t purposely stock up before this challenge (which to me would have defeated the purpose) we did start out with healthy & overflowing pantry & freezers.

Week One was a breeze, no real changes necessary except that I had to start making lots of homemade bread. Then Week Two was a little bit more of a challenge, but still doable.

But now the pantry is getting more & more bare & the freezers are emptying out nicely. How did we fare for week three?  Read on, dear friends.

30-DAY GROCERY NO-SPEND CHALLENGE! No money spent on food for a full month - see how we survived week 3. Tips & recipes included! #TexasHomesteader

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Grocery No-Spend Challenge: Week 2

by Texas Homesteader

Ok y’all, we’re still trucking along with this grocery no-spend challenge where we’ve agreed not to spend any money on food of any type (except Valentine’s Day) for the entire month of February.

That includes fresh foods such as milk, fruits & veggies. (although we may tweak this as the challenge goes on) It also includes soft drinks & juices, spices, eating out, etc.

Week one went without a hitch since our freezers and pantry were well-stocked with food to start with. But what about week 2?  Were there any hitches? How much discomfort? What have we learned?  Read on…

30-DAY GROCERY NO-SPEND CHALLENGE! No money spent on food for a full month - see how we survived week 2. Tips & recipes included! #TexasHomesteader

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Homemade Bread-Making Shortcuts – Less Work, Less Cleanup

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I bake LOTS of homemade bread whether in the oven or using a bread maker.

But I’ve incorporated many bread-making shortcuts so I’m not starting over every day. This speeds along my bread baking day with less effort. Come see my shortcut tips!

I bake LOTS of bread. But I've found homemade bread-making shortcuts so I'm not starting over every day. Come see my shortcut tips! #TexasHomesteader

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Saving Money In The New Year

by Texas Homesteader ~ 
* contains affiliate link

Many people aspire to improve things at the beginning of the year. They may look at aspects of the prior year and vow to do better this year.

Of course this often includes becoming physically healthier or learning a new skill. Or it could be to reach for a more fulfilling job or even to make the plunge into self employment.

But almost always there’s a critical eye cast on our finances from the previous 365. Questions bounce in our heads “How could I do better this year? Save more? Spend less? Be more mindful with my hard-earned dollars?”

Saving Money. HOME FINANCE - Learn from the masters in these home finance books. Here are the home finance favorites in my own bookshelf. #TexasHomesteader

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Top Ten Homesteading Posts of 2014

by Tammy Taylor

*contains affiliate link


I can’t believe another year has come & gone.  This year has certainly been good for RancherMan and me as we got back to business of running our ranch after my health fiasco of last year – we are so blessed!  But now as the year draws to a close I thought if would be fun to share with you, my beloved readers, the top ten most popular posts of 2014.  Grab a cup of coffee, settle in and join me!

I thought it would be fun to share with you the top ten most popular posts for 2014. Grab a cup of coffee and join me! #TexasHomesteader

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