Tag Archives: frugality

Our favorite articles about frugality, saving money & budgeting posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Homestead Hack: Using Blinds Correctly For Summer

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

WHEW!  The heat is on, y’all! Here in NE Texas we’ve had day after day of near or over 100 degree temps. RancherMan & I try to keep our home as cool as possible while being environmentally conscious of the cost in both dollars as well as energy of using the energy hog that is the typical home’s air conditioner.

Our air conditioner is energy efficient and it’s being used of course to help keep us comfortable. But we do what we can to rely on it as little as possible. Our home has an open floor plan, which means we use the natural light coming in from the windows to help light our home.

But did you know that proper use of mini blinds can make a difference in allowing light into your home while still blocking some of the sun’s heat? Oh yeah, that’s right! Check out today’s Homestead Hack.

There's a right & wrong way to position mini blinds to allow light into your home while blocking the sun's heat Check this Homestead Hack and STAY COOL! #TexasHomesteader

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Healthier Mint Chocolate Chip ‘Ice Cream’

by Texas Homesteader ~
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Ice cream is one of RancherMan’s favorite desserts. And it really hits the spot on a hot summer’s day. 

But you can’t just eat ice cream every day. It’s not healthy! So I’ve been serving him a healthier frozen ice-cream-type treat. Only it’s made with frozen bananas instead of cream!


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Milking My First Cow: Using FRESH Milk!

by Texas Homesteader

Recently we had a cow give birth to a calf. Although she gave us a fine, healthy heifer calf, she was having a difficult time with her calf emptying one of her teats.

Each day that one teat grew bigger and we’d hoped that the calf would eventually latch onto it like she was the others. (we’ve had that circumstance in the past and it’s always worked out fine)

But the teat began to get so full it was large & tight and too difficult for the calf to attempt to nurse it. So she just didn’t. 

I was worried about the cow developing mastitis so I knew I needed to take action. I’ve never milked a cow before. Ever. Until now. Ain’t nothin’ to it, y’all!  I feel like an official country woman now!

Using FRESH MILK - I'd always wanted to try milking one of our cows to get fresh milk for our family, see what I did with the FRESH MILK! #TexasHomesteader

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Homestead Hack: Clock Radio – Use Whatcha Got!

by Texas Homesteader

We like to listen to music at night as we fall asleep. So on our nightstand RancherMan & I had an older-model clock radio.

We were pricing clock radios with digital dials but we were surprised that they were kinda pricey. So we put our heads together and came up with the PERFECT solution.

Use whatcha got is what I always say! Check out this Homestead Hack that worked so well for us.

We needed a new clock/radio, we put our heads together & came up with the PERFECT solution. Check out this Homestead Hack! #TexasHomesteader

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Fresh Herb & Olive Oil Frozen Into A Cube – ‘HERB-BOMBS’

by Texas Homesteader ~ 
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I like to use fresh herbs from my garden as often as I can. I’d heard of freezing a mixture of herbs with olive oil into a cube. Herb bombs!

Even though the terrible weather & grasshopper damage has all but ruined my chances of harvesting anything, there has been a ray of sunshine in my gardening endeavors this year. My edible landscape! 

I’ve had many herbs such as rosemary, thyme, sage and basil survive the weather and the grasshoppers. 

I’d heard before about making ‘Flavor Bombs’ from various herbs and olive oil, so I figured I’d give it a try. Turns out I really like them!

'HERB BOMBS' made from minced herbs and olive oil makes it easy to have your own convenient flavoring right in your own freezer! #TexasHomesteader


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Preserving The Harvest: Dehydrating Onions

by Texas Homesteader
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Gardening is a fun hobby, but c’mon there’s lots of work involved too. From planting seeds or tender seedlings to standing under that hot summer sun watering, weeding and harvesting. 

Seeing that basket of fresh healthy produce is enough to make it all worthwhile of course. But oftentimes your harvest comes all at once as feast or famine. After putting in all of that tender loving care to your precious garden it’s important to make sure none of your hard works goes to waste.

For instance I harvested my onions when their growing time was up. But how to make sure a whole garden full of onions can be enjoyed instead of being sat aside deteriorating until they’re only compost worthy?  You can bet your hat I won’t be letting my hard work go to waste!

Preserving The Harvest: Dehydrating ONIONS. Don't distress over that glut of onion harvest, preserve it for cooking! See what I did. #TexasHomesteader


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Homestead Hack: Poison-Free Way To Deter Ants Naturally

by Texas Homesteader

I hate ants.  H-A-T-E. But when you plant your new home right smack dab in the middle of a cow pasture, ants are what you’ll often get.

But I’m about to share a helpful homestead hack with ya. I found a poison-free way to deter those ants naturally…

Ants are coming into our home, I don't want to lay out poison. What's a crunchy-green country girl to do? Check this Homestead Hack! #TexasHomesteader

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No Sugar Challenge – WEEK FOUR! (2 Sugar-Free CHOCOLATE recipes)

TAMMY’S NOTE: This No-Sugar challenge documents Ashley’s 30-day attempt to remove PROCESSED SUGAR from their diet.  This challenge allows her to use natural sugars such as fruit, honey or true maple syrup, therefore it’s not meant for a diabetic alternative, simply a personal-health challenge. 

by Ashley
*contains affiliate link

It’s official! The challenge has been completed. I can’t believe it has been a whole month without any refined sugar. There has been some discussion over the past weeks about what constitutes sugar during the challenge. Some people don’t think honey and 100% maple sugar should be allowed during the challenge, but this is simply what worked for me during my challenge.

I have felt that in a very small moderation that honey has added enough of the sweetness that I craved so hard for the first half of the challenge that it made it an easier transition. If I decide to be as rigid in the future with the sugar-free diet, I may eventually cut those sweeteners out as well. This whole process has been one big learning experience the whole way through, but it has been a lot of fun learning along the way.

If you have missed the previous weeks I urge you to check out  week 1week 2, and week 3.  But now join me for the last bit of my challenge and check out the chocolate, chocolate, chocolate recipes below that are free from refined sugar!

Ashley shares TWO SUGAR-FREE CHOCOLATE RECIPES! Whoever said healthy couldn't be DELICIOUS? Check out these refined-sugar-free recipes! #TexasHomesteader

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