by Texas Homesteader ~
I’ve amended our favorite KitchenAid bread to include honey & a bit of oat flour. The healthy oats give the resulting soft homemade oatmeal / honey sandwich bread a hearty feel and it’s DELICIOUS!
by Texas Homesteader ~
I’ve amended our favorite KitchenAid bread to include honey & a bit of oat flour. The healthy oats give the resulting soft homemade oatmeal / honey sandwich bread a hearty feel and it’s DELICIOUS!
by Texas Homesteader ~
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Five is not a large number, and 5 frugal things aren’t difficult for most households to accomplish. I’m hoping this short list of easy frugal things we did at our own home one day might inspire you to look at your own tasks. Perhaps you’ll start tackling just 5 easy things to save money in your own home.
As an added bonus, almost always those money-saving tasks are environmentally friendly as well. So without doubling your effort you’re able to double your effect! Gotta love it, right?? See what today’s short list of 5 frugal things are in our home…
by Texas Homesteader ~
You’re preparing onions and push aside the tough neck and hard-to-cut bottom sections you’ve trimmed off. But give those tough trimmings another look before you toss them away.
There might still be a way to put these previously wasted onion parts to good use…
by Texas Homesteader ~
My mornings usually involve coffee and computer work when I first awake. Yeah, I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But I’m one of those people who really needs to wake up a bit before I can even THINK about eating something.
Most warmer months I like to enjoy a jar of my favorite Homemade Yogurt, sweetened with my homemade preserves – quick, easy & healthy. OR sometimes I’ll opt for a bowl of my crispy homemade granola.
But when the chill of winter hits I really want something hot to warm me up and I love the convenience of microwave oatmeal. Now I’m not picking on the Quaker Instant Oatmeal folks, their product is delicious. But those expensive packets tend to be too small a portion for me when prepared, taste way too sweet for my palate.
Plus I don’t recognize some of the ingredients on their little packets of instant oatmeal and that bothers me too.
Oh yeah, they’re convenient, and making oatmeal ain’t nothin’ new. But I wonder how easy, cheap & healthier it would be to experiment with plain oatmeal cooked & sweetened MY way instead of theirs??
by Texas Homesteader ~
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I recently shared with you the recipe for our Lavender / Rosemary cold process soap we made to include in our Christmas gift baskets. Today I’ll share the recipe we used to make a vanilla-scented shampoo bar. Whaaaa??? A bar of soap you can use as shampoo?? Oh yeah!
As a matter of fact, I haven’t used commercial shampoo from a plastic bottle for several years. I love the creamy lather this bar makes. And you know I love that there’s no plastic bottle of shampoo for me to buy and then send the trash to the landfill. Plus these vanilla-scented shampoo bars were very well received by our gift recipients.
by Texas Homesteader ~
RancherMan & I are able to live & work here on our Homestead – a place that speaks to our hearts – because we are very careful with our finances. You know what they say, “small leaks sink great ships” or, you know, something like that…
Anyway, my point is that by paying attention to the smaller things, living frugally just becomes a way of life. There’s really no sacrifice, just a consciousness of frugal tasks that make sense in the flow of our days. In my case frugality is only part of the reason I’m paying attention – many times those same tasks are also environmentally friendly too. And that’s a two-fer win for me!
by Texas Homesteader
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I’ve had many requests for me to share our soap recipe so I’m sharing with you today. We made several batches using different oils and also different dried botanicals from our homestead. We’re using dried lavender blooms from the beautiful lavender in my flower beds. I also enjoy using crushed dried rosemary from the mammoth rosemary bush at our porch.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Are you looking for an easier way to store your empty canning jars? I needed a way to more conveniently store my jars while protecting them from damage of clinking together. That weakens the glass over time causing canning failures, etc.
I came up with a solution that protects the jars as well as simplifies storage. See what we did!