Pretty In PINK – Going Too Far??

by Texas Homesteader~  Last year something happened to me that affected me profoundly – I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now hear me out, I’m going somewhere with this… Several surgeries and thousands of prayers later I’m cancer free, praise GOD! But this frightening experience has changed me forever. I’m more keenly aware of the […]

Failed Fences, GOOD NEIGHBORS!

by Texas Homesteader  Panic sat in when RancherMan came rushing into the house saying he found the pasture gate open and the two weaning heifers were missing.  We frantically searched the barn paddock and the south pasture, tree lines, creeks, etc. but they were nowhere to be found. Apparently they had nosed the chain enough […]

Speeding Up And Slowing Down

by Texas Homesteader You know, last year was a hard one for us as I was diagnosed with breast cancer – those frightening words no woman wants to hear.  RancherMan encouraged me to start a blog. Mostly I think to distract my troubled thoughts but also to give me a creative outlet during a prolonged […]