5 Frugal Things – Meal Planning, Garden Tips, Coupons & More

By Texas Homesteader ~

As it always is this time of year, this was a busy week for RancherMan & me. Between garden chores, PG checking cows, ordering new honeybee queens, doing hive splits, etc. we’ve really been working sun up to sun down.

But even when the days are filled to the brim there’s still ways to save money during our typical day-to-day life. Come see the 5 frugal ways we’ve been able to save money (and oftentimes with a positive environmental impact as well!)

5 Frugal Things we did this week to save money. #TexasHomesteader

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Benefits of Using Vine Plants As Mulch: Grow Living Mulch!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Garden plants benefit from mulch to shade the ground. Not only does mulch moderate soil temps during the hot days of summer but it preserves moisture too.

For living mulch I use plants that grow in long vines along the ground. Check out this work-saving Homestead Hack, y’all! 

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Closing The Loop In Charitable Giving – How To Make Your Donations Go Further!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Close the loop! Buying from thrift stores is good for the environment. You support a good cause & often get higher quality at a lower cost too! 

But there’s often a stigma about thrift stores that’s misunderstood. 

Your donated goods to 'charity' don't help their cause. It's the SALE of those goods (and money received) they need. Buying Used From Thrift Stores Is Good For The Environment. You help a good cause & you often get higher quality at a lower cost too! #TexasHomesteader

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