June is National Pollinators Month! Are you looking to add a splash of color and vibrancy to your outdoor space while also helping to support the essential work of pollinators? Look no further than creating a beautiful pollinator garden!
Is There An Easy Way To Protect Your Backyard Chicken Flock? How do you keep your backyard chicken flock safe from predators? What if you can’t be there in the morning to open their coop or to close it securely at night?
Should you get automatic chicken coop door for your flock? What are the benefits? The drawbacks? I’m laying it all out for you here!
Did you know you can make TWObirdhouses using a single 8-foot long fence plank? It’s easy, there are only a few cuts and they’re so precise there’s very little waste of the wood. Bring the joy of birdwatching to your own backyard!
Our homestead is located in Northeast Texas. There are lots of native things growing all by themselves here that provide for us with no effort needed except the harvesting. Gotta love foraging for free food, right??
How will I protect baby rabbit kits in the nest from my dog’s killer instincts until they’re old enough to fend for themselves? See this rabbit’s nest guard I came up with to keep them safe. It was free using things I already had.
I was thrilled to find a soapberry tree growing in our NE Texas property. I found it far back in a remote pasture. The berries on the tree had already turned yellow in those cool autumn days.
As a matter of fact, it was the yellow orbs that attracted my attention to the three. So I took photos of the tree, leaves, bark and the berries and sent them to my extension agent for proper identification.
She reported back that the tree was a Western Soapberry Tree (or Sapindus saponaria ssp. drummondii)