Category Archives: How Would Grandma Do It?

The old ways of doing things are often the best. How would grandma do it?

Grandma’s Kitchen: Old Fashioned Tips For Zero-Waste Living!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

How would grandma have done things in her kitchen? I’ve been seeing this question a lot on social media lately.

But it’s interesting food for thought, especially for those striving to reduce waste and save a little money too in their own kitchens. Let’s see how grandma would have done it. 

Did you ever stop and wonder "How would grandma do this?" Oh yeah, grandma was the queen of "Use Whatcha Got"! She got by fine without plastic & disposables. #TexasHomesteader

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Old-Fashioned Money-Saving Tips From Grandma That Still Apply Today!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Grandma lived through the great depression. So she knew a thing or two about saving money while raising a family. And those same old-fashioned tips are still saving money for families everywhere today. 

Come see a list of ways grandma saved money in her day, the same ideas you can use too! 

Grandma and grandpa knew how to save money with old fashioned living. #TexasHomesteader

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Is Cooking Like Grandma A Lost Art? How To Simplify Mealtimes

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I can’t help but wonder – is cooking like grandma did becoming a lost art? It seems cooking today has just gotten so… complicated.

Fancy recipes, processed foods, specialty ingredients and complicated cooking methods. It’s not the way grandma did it. Come see how to simplify cooking. 

Is cooking like grandma becoming a lost art? Simple, uncomplicated yet healthy meals are not hard to serve. #TexasHomesteader

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Voluntary Simplicity: Living More Deliberately, Embracing Minimalism

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

A Voluntary Simplicity lifestyle isn’t about deprivation & sacrifice. It’s not necessarily an EASIER life, but a simpler life. Slowing down, living more deliberately. A life that begs you to stop & smell the roses! 

A life of voluntary simplicity isn't a life with less work, but a life less stressful. #TexasHomesteader

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Proper Care For Non-Stick Cast-Iron Cookware Is Simple

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

 Although cleaning and caring for cast iron is somewhat different than other materials, it’s not hard nor complicated.

A few simple tricks will keep your cast iron rust free, virtually non stick and ready to serve you well for decades.

See a few tips to keep your cast iron cookware perfectly seasoned, rust free and virtually NON-STICK! #TexasHomesteader

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How To Easily Open Those Stubborn Jar Lids

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Occasionally I have difficulty opening a stubborn stuck jar lid. If RancherMan is nearby I have a handy (and oh-so-handsome) jar opener right at my disposal.

But if not I still have an easy way to open those stubborn jars. And I do it using a common item in the ‘junk drawer’ right in my kitchen.

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Homestead Hack: Keep That Broccoli Fresh!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’m sharing an easy tip to keep broccoli fresh and crisp for several days during its storage in your refrigerator. It’s simple old-time wisdom I learned from my grandmother years ago.

If you’re wondering how to keep that fresh broccoli crisp for days, check out this Homestead Hack. 

Keep broccoli fresh and crisp for several days during its storage in your refrigerator. Check out this simple Homestead Hack! #TexasHomesteader

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