Category Archives: Garden

Gardening in Texas hardiness Zone 8a

Homestead Hack: Repurposed Items As Plant Markers

by Texas Homesteader ~
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Well, garden season is in full swing in NE Texas. It’s the season all gardeners have been dreaming about for weeks. Much work has gone into planning, seed-buying and dreaming.

One of the things I still needed for my garden was plant markers. I’d love to have an easy way to identify plants in their teeny-tiny stage as I’m strolling through the garden. But you know how strong my #UseWhatchaGot drive is!

 Thankfully I’ve found an easy way to repurpose items I already have in my home to use for the actual plant markers. Using these markers helps me to remember what I planted where without having to come inside & look it up. Check it out!

I've found a cute and easy way to repurpose an item I already have in my home to use as veggie plant markers in my vegetable garden. #TexasHomesteader Continue reading

Vegetable Garden Update: May

by Texas Homesteader ~

Well, well, well – here we are in May.  Now here in NE Texas we’re in planting zone 8A so typically this time of year my garden is really starting to fire up, but this year’s garden has stumbled along due to both circumstances beyond my control as well as a comedy of errors.  Come along and see my successes and my…  well my not-quite-so successes.

Come along and see how our veggie garden here in NE Texas (zone 8A) is growing! What succeeded? What failed? #TexasHomesteader

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Homestead Hack – Killing Weeds With Boiling Water

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Now that we have free-range hens again I’m using up those fresh eggs in many various ways. RancherMan loves for me to boil them up & have them for him in the fridge ready for a quick high-protein snack. And I’ve been making Egg Salad Sandwich Spread to replace his traditional purchased peanut butter sandwich preference for lunch.

Since I’ve found out how much healthier free-range eggs are compared to their commercial counterparts I find I’m always boiling eggs, (thankfully I found an easier way to peel those very-fresh eggs.)

But egg salad isn’t the only benefit of boiling up fresh eggs, I’m also killing weeds in the bricks of my sidewalk. How you say?

Y’all know my battle cry: “Use Whatcha Got!” This isn’t a new idea, but it’s a great one to keep in mind.

Killing weeds in the bricks of my sidewalk. Y'all know my battle cry: "Use Whatcha Got!" This isn't a new idea, but it's a great one #TexasHomesteader

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3 Simple Ingredients for Less Toxic Weed Control

by Texas Homesteader ~

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There are a few sensitive areas on our Homestead where I refuse to spray toxic chemicals. Such places as the fence line around our vegetable garden, the chicken yard fence and around our beehives in the apiary.

But I still need a grass killer spray for those areas. Will I buckle and use grass killer spray?

Well, maybe I’ll just spray grass killer around the perimeter of the garden when needed.  Whaaaa….???!!!  Grass killer sprayed around our food??!!  Are you CRAZY??  Read on, dear friends…

A Non-Toxic weed killer in the garden! I wonder if I can use a less toxic grass & weed control... As it turns out, YES! #TexasHomesteader

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Cheap (Or Free) Mulch Options For The Garden

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Mulch is a valuable asset in your garden. It preserves moisture, moderates soil temperatures and helps keep your plants healthy too.

But don’t assume your only option is to buy mulch! Check with your city, utility company or local extension agent & you could get it FREE! 

Don't assume your only option is to buy mulch! Check with your city, utility company or local extension agent & you could get it FREE! #TexasHomesteader

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Veggie Garden Preparation: February Chores

by Texas Homesteader ~

Well spring is coming y’all. But just because it’s still cold outside doesn’t mean there’s not lots to be done to prepare for a successful garden. Gardeners know that gardening starts way before planting time.

And during the cold months of winter is when I’m able to start making plans and taking steps to assure a bountiful harvest this year. Come on, let’s see what we’re up to…

FEBRUARY GARDEN CHORES: Gardening starts way before planting time. During the winter months I'm able to take steps to assure a bountiful harvest #TexasHomesteader

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December Garden Chores – Planning For Spring

by Texas Homesteader ~
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Even though it’s now winter RancherMan & I are taking steps now to assure a productive garden next spring. It’s now time to put the garden to bed for the winter.

One of the many blessings of living in NE Texas is that we’re often able to enjoy lovely temperate weather well into December. Even mid December we’re still enjoying cool days with highs in the mid to upper 60’s, even the mid to upper 70’s some days. Gotta love it!

So now that the garden is officially done for the season RancherMan & I are taking advantage of this warm weather streak to prepare the garden for war next year.

Even though it's now winter I'm taking steps now to assure a productive garden next spring, come see the important end-of-season garden tasks #TexasHomesteader

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