Tag Archives: zero waste living

All our favorite articles about living an eco friendly lifestyle with zero-waste tips posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Using Nature For A Pretty All-Natural Tablescape

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I made a beautiful fall tablescape using natural materials typically found on the ground or in trees & bushes this time of year.

The eco-warrior in me loves this all natural yet so beautiful home décor. Come see what I did.

All-Natural Tablescape using nature's beauty found on nature hikes. #TexasHomesteader

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Voluntary Simplicity: Living More Deliberately, Embracing Minimalism

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

A Voluntary Simplicity lifestyle isn’t about deprivation & sacrifice. It’s not necessarily an EASIER life, but a simpler life. Slowing down, living more deliberately. A life that begs you to stop & smell the roses! 

A life of voluntary simplicity isn't a life with less work, but a life less stressful. #TexasHomesteader

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Easy Homemade Applesauce A Delicious Zero-Waste Treat

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Applesauce is a staple in my Homestead kitchen. But even though I use it often I don’t buy it, oh no! It’s super easy and nearly effortless to make your own applesauce.

And the lowly slow cooker makes it so easy too. Check it out!

EASY HOMEMADE SLOW-COOKER APPLESAUCE recipe - it's easy to make homemade applesauce with fresh apples! #TexasHomesteader

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Foraging Food & Eating From The Land For FREE!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Our homestead is located in Northeast Texas. There are lots of native things growing all by themselves here that provide for us with no effort needed except the harvesting. Gotta love foraging for free food, right??

A list of simple-to-forage food items that let you eat for FREE! #TexasHomesteader

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Ultimate Composting Guide for Making Your Own Compost At Home

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

How do you make compost? What can be composted and what cannot? What kind of container do you use? 

There are lots of different answers and methods to those questions. I’m sharing easy composting tips below.

Building healthy soil, compost, mulch for garden planting. #TexasHomesteader

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