by Texas Homesteader ~
I made training treats for our ranch dog using wholesome ingredients I already had in the house. She LOVES them! Check out my simple yet healthy recipe.
by Texas Homesteader ~
I made training treats for our ranch dog using wholesome ingredients I already had in the house. She LOVES them! Check out my simple yet healthy recipe.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Sadly there are many unwanted pets waiting to find their furrever home. So if you’re looking to add a dog to your family please consider adopting. You can save a dog’s life!
by Texas Homesteader
*this post contains affiliate link
Last year we dipped our toe into the raising-chickens waters. We bought day-old chicks and raised them until fall when we sold them (we didn’t want to attempt to overwinter last year) Oh how much fun they were to raise! We free-ranged them and they made quite a dent in the grasshopper population and an incredible impact on the fly reduction on our cows in the barn pens.
Oh yeah, and they gave us FRESH EGGS! We knew that as spring drew closer we’d consider again if we wanted to raise chickens. The verdict is in: Um, YES PLEASE!
by Texas Homesteader ~
We purchased our piece of NE Texas paradise back in 2000. It was in pretty rough shape but I could see its potential and the property itself really spoke to my heart. Once I learned that the crumbling 1880’s barn was part of this property the deal was all but sealed!
RancherMan & I had the barn’s exterior refurbished, leaving the interior intact. We’ve had ponds, fences & cross fences built, revitalized pastures and spend numerous days clearing these dang Honey Locust trees. (we call them Satan trees, I’m pretty sure that’s where they came from!) It’s fun to envision the family that must have lived here, and several months ago I wrote about the Evidence Of A Past Homestead.
But in the fall of 2012 we purchased a remote pasture about 10 minutes away from our own homestead to hold our stocker cows. Again, that property was in somewhat of a shambles. But again it held an 1880’s barn, albeit in dire need of repair. RancherMan & I are determined to refurbish this old barn and property the same as we did with our first one. (I’m seeing a pattern here…)
by Texas Homesteader ~
There are many causes out there I want to be involved in. But when things start falling behind at home I have to learn to prioritize my time. As difficult as it is, I must learn to say ‘NO‘!
by Texas Homesteader
*contains an affiliate link
A few years ago Northeast Texas was hit with a whammy of a winter storm. Some areas got snow, some got sleet, still others got rain. We got ICE. And lots of it.
Our homestead was hit hard and the ice accumulation was so heavy that we listened fearfully in the dark while many trees came crashing down all night long as the storm raged on. The next morning at first light we tentatively stepped out into what looked like an icy war zone.
by Texas Homesteader
Even though the trip away was fun, there’s no place like Home Sweet Home!
by Texas Homesteader