Tag Archives: make-It-yourself

Our favorite MIY – Make-it-yourself articles posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Make Your Own Hummingbird Food – Only 2 Ingredients!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

You can make hummingbird food at home in minutes for a fraction of the cost of buying the commercial stuff. And it requires only two ingredients – sugar and water. 

Hummingbird in flight looking for food sugar water #TexasHomesteader

photo courtesy of Harrison Haines & Pexels

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15+ Homemade Zero-Waste Options For A More Natural Clean

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Are you looking to easily make your own simple homemade cleaning products from items you already have in your home? Homemade cleaners are typically cheaper, more eco friendly and result in much less chemicals in your home too.

I’m sharing how I make everything from laundry products to body products to a non-toxic scrubbing powder. Check out this long list of homemade cleaning products! 

Natural home cleaning - make your own cleaning products and save. Bee in purple flower wild clover blossom #TexasHomesteader

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How To Feed Honeybees In Winter Months: Homemade Candyboards

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

How do you feed your honeybee hives during the cold winter months? It’s a different procedure than just feeding the sugar syrup like you do during warmer summer dearth months.

We easily make homemade honeybee candyboards to see them through the cold of winter.

Candyboard for winter honeybee hive feeding #TexasHomesteader

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My Favorite Simple Zero-Waste Health & Beauty Swaps!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Come see my favorite yet super-simple daily zero-waste health & beauty routines.

Zero-waste steps are good for the environment and oftentimes are less expensive too.  I make most of these items myself!  

Simple zero-waste health and beauty swaps. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make Homemade Jerky Strips & Snack Sticks

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

It’s surprisingly easy to make Homemade Jerky using a mixture of ground meat, seasonings and ‘cure’. You can use either ground meat or strips of steak to make jerky. We particularly enjoy making  wild-game jerky using venison and elk.

Homemade jerky made easy using ground beef or wild game meat #TexasHomesteader

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Big Honkin’ List Of Homemade Gifts They’ll Actually Love!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

We all know that homemade gifts are special. But how do you come up with homemade Christmas gift ideas they’ll actually LOVE?

I’m sharing various gifts we’ve made over the years that have been very well received. Come see!

I'm sharing a list of homemade gifts that we've made & gifted - they've all been very well received. Beeswax candles, jars of home-preserved goodies, repurposed denim handwarmers, hummingbird feeders & MORE! #TexasHomesteader

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Using Nature For A Pretty All-Natural Tablescape

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I made a beautiful fall tablescape using natural materials typically found on the ground or in trees & bushes this time of year.

The eco-warrior in me loves this all natural yet so beautiful home décor. Come see what I did.

All-Natural Tablescape using nature's beauty found on nature hikes. #TexasHomesteader

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Easy Homemade Applesauce A Delicious Zero-Waste Treat

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Applesauce is a staple in my Homestead kitchen. But even though I use it often I don’t buy it, oh no! It’s super easy and nearly effortless to make your own applesauce.

And the lowly slow cooker makes it so easy too. Check it out!

EASY HOMEMADE SLOW-COOKER APPLESAUCE recipe - it's easy to make homemade applesauce with fresh apples! #TexasHomesteader

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